Fantastic Four #611

Fantastic Four #611 (2012)
by Jonathan Hickman & Ryan Stegman

Despite the cover, this is very much a Doctor Doom story.

Last time Doom survived the attack of the Mad Celestials by moving to the same dimension where the Council of Reeds used to imprison the lobotomized Dooms.
He got TWO Infinity Gauntlets out of it, which sounds good until you realize they only work on the same universe the gauntlets are from.
So Doom just moves there.

That universe had already been destroyed, presumably by the Mad Celestials.

First order of business: create science and magic.

He then populated the new universe with two different civilizations: one based on science and one based on magic. With a capital world where they coexist.

Only one problem with that scenario… Doom’s creations share his thirst for power.

That’s when we move to the other main character of the story: Future Valeria, who comes back in time to ask Reed to help save Doom.

Reed, for the smarted man in the universe, you can be irritatingly naïve.

That being said, being suspicious of the motives of Nathaniel Richard… even a well-written version like this one… is always a smart move.

So the trio takes a trip to Doomopolis. Presumably the capital of Doomworld at the center of the Doomiverse.

With Doom deposed, the new universe is ruled by six people. Presumably each holding an Infinity Gem, although they’re not typically drawn like this.

The rulers are surprisingly lenient, especially if Doom begs for his life.

Do you have any idea of how difficult it is to have Doctor Doom decide to just shut up?

Interestingly, Doom’s creations are better people than him.

Well, all except the High Priest Of Power, who holds such a grudge against Doom that he unleashes a freaking dragon against him.
Kind of poetic of the priest representing power being the one that inherits Doom’s flaw.

These guys may have wrestled control over the universe from their god, but they still hold him in such high regard…

…that even SUGGESTING Doom could un-create them is enough to make them doubt themselves, long enough to allow the team to escape.

But there’s still a few pages, so it’s not over yet.

That’s when the Parliament Of Doom comes to rescue: these are the lobotomized alternate versions of Doom imprisoned by the Council Of Reeds.
Even without a brain they’re STILL Doom enough to save the day!!!

Future Valeria then destroys the bridge that links to the Doomiverse.

And now we get to what is easily the most well-known part of this entire storyline.





Future Valeria is glad her godfather is safe, but she insists of asking for one favor.

Good move, Reed, that’s probably the best you could hope for.

At least he didn’t try to hug Doom. That would’ve ended badly.

This is the last issue of the Hickman run on Fantastic Four.
But I have to mention his goodbye on FF #23, even if it doesn’t involve Doctor Doom.
Especially this scene with Future Franklin.

I had to rush through A LOT of this run, because Doctor Doom doesn’t play a huge part in it.
But if you’re a fan of the Fantastic Four, or of good stories in general, the entire run is HIGHLY recommended.

 Doom significance: 6/10
As far as I know, the new universe and Future Valeria have not showed up after this (Future Franklin is a bit more complicated). But I’m still giving this some significance because I’m pretty sure it’s instrumental in what Doom does later in Secret Wars.

Silver Age-ness: 2/10
There’s a lot of overt symbolism that would feel out of place there, but Doom being deposed by his own creations kind of fits.

Does it stand the test of time? 10/10
The only potential criticism I could have is that the new universe feels a bit generic, but it’s Doom’s first universe so it fits thematically. The artwork shines in the otherworldy new universe; it’s a bit clunky in the regular one, but we’ve seen FAR worse artwork in this run.
The story manages to do a lot with Doom despite the fact that he BARELY speaks! Despite his love of endless monologues, here it fits: had it started to rant and rave after being deposed, it would’ve removed all gravitas from the situation.
And of course Doom finding being a god “beneath him” works so great on multiple levels: it brings his megalomania to a whole new level AND it’s kind of an explanation for why Doom keeps discarding omnipotence whenever he gets it.
Which doesn’t mean he’s not going to look it again, because everyone needs a hobby and Doom’s just happens being a god over the weekend.

It was a Doombot all along
With an Infinity Gauntlet? Nope!

Times Doctor Doom has gained ultimate power: 11
Having TWO Infinity Gauntlets definitely counts. Which also helps with..

Universes created by Dr. Doom: 1
It won’t be the last time in a Hickman story.

Crazy tech
Nothing stands out. Unsurprising, since Doom has an Infinity Gauntlet.

One thought on “Fantastic Four #611”

  1. One of the last stories in the Hickman run involves a Council of Reeds member whose Earth was one where the Nazis triumphed. Viktor Von Doom has a bit part in that tale…a bit that said Reed took out of his brain.
    And then he kills Hitler.

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