Villain origins

Everybody knows that a hero is only as good as the villain is bad. But how different are the villains in their first appearance when compared to their later incarnations?
In this section we’ll be looking at the DC and Marvel bad guys, all the way from the Golden to the Silver Age and later.


* Reviews done before the start of this retrospective don’t include the same categories.

DC Comics1939Ultra-HumaniteSupermanAction Comics 13
DC Comics1939Doctor DeathBatmanDetective Comics 29
Fawcett1940Dr. SivanaCaptain MarvelWhiz Comics #2
DC Comics1940Hugo StrangeBatmanDetective Comics 36
DC Comics1940Lex LuthorSupermanAction Comics 23
DC Comics1940JokerBatmanBatman 1
DC Comics1940CatwomanBatmanBatman 1
Marvel1940Red SkullCaptain AmericaCaptain America Comics #1
DC Comics1941ScarecrowBatmanWorld's Finest #3
DC Comics1941PenguinBatmanDetective Comics 58
DC Comics1942Two-FaceBatmanDetective Comics 66
DC Comics1942PranksterSupermanAction Comics 51
DC Comics1942AresWonder WomanWonder Woman #1
DC Comics1943ToymanSupermanAction Comics 64
DC Comics1943Dr. PsychoWonder WomanWonder Woman 5
DC Comics1943CheetahWonder WomanWonder Woman 6
DC Comics1943Vandal SavageDC ComicsGreen Lantern 10
Fawcett1943Mister MindCaptain MarvelCaptain Marvel Adventures 22
DC Comics1944GigantaWonder WomanWonder Woman 9
DC Comics1944Mister MxyzptlkSupermanSuperman 30
DC Comics1944Solomon GrundyDC ComicsAll-American Comics 61
Fawcett1945Black AdamCaptain MarvelMarvel Family #1
DC Comics1947Penny PlundererBatmanWorld's Finest Comics 30
DC Comics1948RiddlerBatmanDetective Comics 140
DC Comics1948Star Sapphire 1FlashAll-Flash 32
DC Comics1949KryptoniteSupermanSuperman #61
DC Comics1950DeadshotBatmanBatman 59
DC Comics1951Killer MothBatmanBatman 63
Marvel1956Yellow ClawCaptain AmericaYellow Claw #1
DC Comics1957Captain ColdFlashShowcase 8
DC Comics1958BrainiacSupermanAction Comics 242
DC Comics1959Mirror MasterFlashThe Flash 105
DC Comics1959Mr. FreezeBatmanBatman 121
DC Comics1959BizarroSupermanSuperboy 68
DC Comics1959Gorilla GroddFlashThe Flash 106
DC Comics1959Pied PiperFlashThe Flash 106
DC Comics1959MetalloSupermanAction Comics 252
DC Comics1959Bat-MiteBatmanDetective Comics #267
DC Comics1960Weather WizardFlashThe Flash 110
DC Comics1960StarroJustice LeagueThe Brave and the bold 25
DC Comics1960TricksterFlashThe Flash 113
DC Comics1960AmazoJustice LeagueThe Brave and the bold 30
DC Comics1960Captain BoomerangFlashThe Flash 117
DC Comics1960Hector HammondGreen LanternGreen Lantern 5
DC Comics1960Kryptonite ManSupermanSuperboy 83
DC Comics1960Clock KingGreen ArrowWorld's Finest 111
DC Comics1961Faceless HunterGreen LanternStrange Adventures #124
DC Comics1961SinestroGreen LanternGreen Lantern 7
DC Comics1961General ZodSupermanAdventure Comics 283
DC Comics1961The TopFlashThe Flash 122
DC Comics1961Clayface IIBatmanDetective Comics 298
Marvel1961Fin Fang FoomMarvel ComicsStrange Tales 89
Marvel1961Miracle ManFantastic FourFantastic Four 3
Marvel1962Doctor DoomFantastic FourFantastic Four 5*
DC Comics1962SonarGreen LanternGreen Lantern 14
DC Comics1962Polka-Dot ManBatmanDetective Comics 300
Marvel1962EggheadAnt-ManTales to Astonish #38
DC Comics1962ChronosAtomAtom #3
Marvel1962WizardFantastic FourStrange Tales 102*
DC Comics1962Doctor LightJustice LeagueJustice League 12
DC Comics1962Abra KadabraFlashThe Flash 128
Marvel1962LokiThorJourney Into Mystery 85
Marvel1962Zarrko, the Tomorrow ManThorJourney Into Mystery 86
Marvel1962TyrannusHulkIncredible Hulk 5
DC Comics1962Star Sapphire 2Green LanternGreen Lantern 16
DC Comics1963Doctor PolarisGreen LanternGreen Lantern 21
DC Comics1963The SharkGreen LanternGreen Lantern 24
DC Comics1963Reverse FlashFlashThe Flash 139
Marvel1963Rama-TutFantastic FourFantastic Four 19*
Marvel1963MagnetoX-MenUncanny X-Men 1
Marvel1963Molecule ManFantastic FourFantastic Four 20
DC Comics1963EclipsoJustice LeagueHouse Of Secrets #61
DC Comics1963Heat WaveFlashThe Flash 140
Marvel1963Radioactive ManThorJourney into Mystery 93
Marvel1963Hate MongerCaptain AmericaFantastic Four 21
Marvel1963Mr. HydeThorJourney into Mystery 99
DC Comics1963Queen BeeJustice LeagueJustice League 23
Marvel1963MelterIron ManTales of Suspense 47
Marvel1963Black KnightAvengersTales to Astonish 52
DC Comics1964Brotherhood Of EvilDoom PatrolDoom Patrol 86
Marvel1964Brotherhood of Evil MutantsX-MenUncanny X-Men 4
DC Comics1964Composite SupermanSupermanWorld's Finest Comics 142*
Marvel1964The LeaderHulkTales to Astonish 62
Marvel1964OwlDaredevilDaredevil 3
Marvel1964Purple ManDaredevilDaredevil 4
Marvel1964MatadorDaredevilDaredevil 5
Marvel1964Mister FearDaredevilDaredevil 6
Marvel1964MandarinIron ManTales of Suspense 50
Marvel1964Baron ZemoCaptain AmericaAvengers #6
Marvel1964Baron Von StruckerCaptain AmericaSgt. Fury #5
Marvel1964EnchantressThorJourney into Mystery 103
DC Comics1964Crime SyndicateJLAJustice League 29
Marvel1964KangAvengersAvengers 8
Marvel1964ImmortusAvengersAvengers 10
DC Comics1965KronaGreen LanternGreen Lantern Vol 2 40
DC Comics1965Psycho-Pirate IIJSAShowcase 56
Marvel1965Stilt-ManDaredevilDaredevil 8
DC Comics1965Rogues GalleryFlashThe Flash 155
Marvel1965Count NefariaAvengersAvengers 13
DC Comics1965The KeyJLAJustice League 41
Marvel1965JuggernautX-MenX-Men 12
Marvel1965SentinelsX-MenX-Men 14
DC Comics1965Egg FuWonder WomanWonder Woman #157
DC Comics1966Poison IvyBatmanBatman 181
DC Comics1966Shaggy ManJustice LeagueJustice League 45
DC Comics1966ParasiteSupermanAction Comics 340*
DC Comics1966Ocean MasterAquamanAquaman #29
Marvel1966BoomerangSpider-ManTales to Astonish #81
DC Comics1966Major DisasterGreen LanternGreen Lantern 43
Marvel1966LocustX-MenUncanny X-Men 24
Marvel1967Cobalt ManX-MenUncanny X-Men 31
DC Comics1967Black MantaAquamanAquaman #35
Marvel1967AbominationHulkTales to Astonish 90
Marvel1967MekanoX-MenUncanny X-Men 36
Marvel1968UltronAvengersAvengers #54
Marvel1969Man-ApeBlack PantherAvengers #62
Marvel1969Living PharaohX-MenUncanny X-Men 54
DC Comics1970DarkseidDC ComicsForever People 1
DC Comics1970Ten Eyed ManBatmanBatman 226
DC Comics1971Ra's al GhulBatmanBatman 232
DC Comics1972StarbreakerJustice LeagueJustice League 96
DC Comics1972Terra-ManSupermanSuperman 249
Marvel1972MoondragonAvengersIron Man 54
Marvel1973ThanosAvengersIron Man 55
Marvel1973Baron Zemo IIAvengersCaptain America #168
Marvel1974StegronSpider-ManMarvel Team-up 19
Marvel1975MoonstoneAvengersCaptain America #192
Marvel1977Arnim ZolaCaptain AmericaCaptain America #208
DC1977Golden GliderFlashFlash 250
Marvel1977SwarmSpider-ManChampions #14
Marvel1977GravitonAvengersAvengers 158
Marvel1977SabretoothX-MenIron Fist 14
Marvel1978MystiqueX-MenMs. Marvel 18
Marvel1978Morgan Le FayAvengersSpider-Woman #2
DC Comics1978Killer FrostJustice LeagueFirestorm #3
DC Comics1979Maxie ZeusBatmanDetective Comics 483
DC Comics1980DeathstrokeTeen TitansThe New Teen Titans #2
DC Comics1980Rainbow RaiderFlashFlash 286
DC Comics1980MongulSupermanDC Comics Presents #27
DC Comics1983Killer CrocBatmanDetective Comics 523
Marvel1986ApocalypseX-MenX-Factor #5