Action Comics 318

ACTION COMICS 318 (1964)
by Leo Dorfman & Jim Mooney

Do I really have to say what happens in this story, considering the title?

Yep! Supergirl graduates high school almost full year before Spider-Man did!

She even gets a scholarship for “modesty and excellent character”, whatever that means.

And just like that, at page 3 we are now at Stanhope College.

Considering Supergirl has experience dealing with her cousin a.k.a. The Worst, she’ll be fine.

So of course:

Her first test is to kiss a monkey. I promise it’s not an euphemism.

Who turns out to be Beppo the Super-Monkey because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The second test is having her dress ruined before a big party.

No problem: Supergirl can just BUILD A MOON TO CREATE AN ECLIPSE!!!

That was either incredibly badass, incredibly stupid, or both.

I get future supervillain vibe from the head of the sorority. She poisoned those animals, didn’t she?

No worries: Comet to the rescue!

I can see why Comet’s involvement can be suspicious, but wasn’t it the sorority that set her up with the super-monkey?

For her next test, Supergirl basically has to fake telepathy.

Her solution is actually clever by Silver Age standards!

Okay, final test: move books without paying for it!

Kind of a no brainer, this time.

When everything else fails, try murder!

Supergirl saves her, but since she believes it was basically a miracle she decides to stop hazing forever.

Sure, why not.

Historical significance: 7/10
Supergirl goes to college, but unfortunately she won’t really do anything interesting there. 

Silver Age-ness: 10/10
It was pretty low until she BUILT A MOON TO FAKE AN ECLIPSE.

Does it stand the test of time? 3/10
The basic idea is fine, but everything else is incredibly naïve for today’s standards.

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