World’s Finest #105

World’s Finest #105 (1959)
by Bill Finger & Dick Sprang
cover by Curt Swan

But… Superman is ALREADY an alien…

There sure are a lot of meteors falling on Earth during the Silver Age!!!

They’re so common, in fact, that Batman doesn’t think twice before turning one into a souvenir.
Also: nice panel, but did Superman really need to throw the meteorite to stop the vehicle?

I know what you’re probably thinking and no, that’s not Red Kryptonite (which was first seen a year before this story) that is causing Superman to create a cocoon.

This is in front of the public, so it attracts a lot of attention. Including something from a… uhm, an archeologist? A scientist? A grave robber?

So let me get this straight: Jor-El knew his son would eventually go through Caterpillar Puberty and attached a sketch to the rocket? AND somehow the sketch fell from the rocket? AND this guy can read Kryptonese?

Sounds legit.

And just like that, here’s Superman latest look!

I guess Superman is jealous of Martian Manhunter, because now that he’s green he needs more powers.

Batman says this before any Kryptonite is used in the story. Then again, the stuff is already so ubiquitous that it’s always possible there is SOME Kryptonite just off-panel in ANY story.

Soooo… Superman now looks completely different and has none of his usual powers? Yeah I’ll believe this isn’t some sort of hoax, sure.

In fact, a couple of panels later (and at the midpoint of the story), we learn that Superman is indeed just fine.

I’ve come across some elaborate tricks by the Metropolis mobsters in my reviews, but this is probably the most far-fetched one that doesn’t involve Jimmy Olsen.

So Batman is actually working with an impostor now. How will he figure out this is a fake?

Don’t worry: Batman has already figured out this is not the real Superman…

…except it is! WTF!?

The reason why Batman figured it out isn’t bad at all, although it’s made very weird by the artwork (the fake Superman had paper right in front of his eyes!!!).

The reason why Superman dealt with Kryptonite makes me question how it’s EVER a problem.

The reason why Superman trolled Batman by switching places with the fake one and have Batman injure his fist is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So… story’s over, right? What’s left to explain at this point? It can’t just be how the impostor fakes the powers, right?

Well… turns out the impostor really IS an alien with superpowers (!!!), who joined forces with the mob (!!!!) after he lost his powers because of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Kryptonite™!!!

Soooo… this green green alien can fly, has super-strength, telekinesis, flame vision, vibration vision and can shoot lightning from his hands.
When I said the alien might be Martian Manhunter I WAS KIDDING!!!

However Superman quickly defeats him thanks to I Can’t Believe It’s Not Kryptonite™, and it turns out that on his planet the reward for capturing interstellar criminals is a picture of Alien Commissioner Gordon.

So at least Gotham City now has a contender for the worst police force.

Historical significance: 0/10
Take a guess how many times we see this alien race again.

Silver Age-ness: 10/10
It was already pretty high BEFORE the impostor turned out to be an alien mobster. 

Does it stand the test of time? 0/10
If this focused on Batman figuring out the mystery, or Superman struggle to escape, this MIGHT work. But the mystery is not given time to breathe, plus this is yet another issue where Batman doesn’t contribute much.

Did Robin actually do anything? Nothing at all
He’s only there to allow Batman to give some exposition. That’s it.

Did Superman really need Batman? Nope!
Superman even goes out of his way to show that he’s on top of things.

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