Doom Patrol #87 (1964)
by Arnold Drake & Bruno Premiani
The Brotherhood of Evil quickly established itself as the Doom Patrol’s nemesis, attacking twice in a row.
We begin with the guys helping a plane that is about to crash.
But as usual, Elasti-Girl is the most impressive one.
Note the attention to detail: she’s NOT just catching it at full speed, in order to avoid just creating more damages.
Zis was an effort to rescue a Franch woman who will talk like zis ze entire time.
Zat iz not going to annoying zoon, n’est pas?
Zis effort to gain ze trust of Ze Negative Man est un success because zis guy iz, how do you say, zinking vith hiz Tour Eiffel?
Zis iz… uhm… this is Madame Rouge, a member of the Brotherhood of Evil and the Brain’s most trusted spy. She’s not yet a shapeshifter.
I don’t know, Negative Man… you do have it pretty rough, I admit, but I’m sure Robotman would switch places with you in a second!!!
Normally, the Doom Patrol romances are very one-sided: everyone is in love with Elasti-Girl but she only considers them friends.
Interesting to see that she’s definitely jealous of Negative Man.
The disguised Madame Rouge convinces Negative Man to retrieve pictures of a time capsule, under the pretense that her dead father left stuff there.
Hey she’s actually wearing red for once! For someone with the name Madame Rouge, it’s surprisingly rare.
The plan is so serious that both The Brain and Monsieur Mallah travel to America.
You’d think it would be more difficult for A LITERAL GORILLA to travel incognito.
It’s a reunion of the entire Brotherhood of Evil:
The Brain
Monsieur Mallah
Madame Rouge
Giacomo The Midget
Yeah, uhm, one of those is not like the others.
Giacomo The Midget is so obscure that even the DC Database doesn’t list him, and they list everybody!!!
Thanks to Negative Man, the Brotherhood now has its hands on a ray that can enlarge metal objects.
As much as I praise Elasti-Girl, she sucks at being a spy: she’s caught almost immediately.
In a surprising twist, Negative Man wasn’t tricked by Madame Rouge: he was actually the one preparing a trap for her!
Now that they have an army and two Doom Patrol hostages, the Brotherhood enacts its master plan: ROBBING THE FEDERAL RESERVE.
I’m beginning to think that constantly hiding your plans from most of your team is not working out, Chief.
The situation is so dire that Negative Man decides to remove his bandages.
And the Brotherhood didn’t kill him when they had the chance because… I’ve got nothing.
And beneath the bandages, turns out that Negative Man is A RADIOACTIVE SKULL-FACE.
He is SO radioactive, in fact, that he can disrupt the Brain’s technology at a distance!
But apparently not radioactive enough to give cancer to the whole block.
Robotman shows up to help…
…and to get himself damaged.
Turns out that both The Brain and The Chief are not as smart as they thought.
Madame Rouge will be back in 3 issues, while Giacomo The Midget ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There’s a second Doom Patrol story that I’ll cover separately.
Historical significance: 0/10
Assuming Giacomo The Midget never shows up again.
If he returns… it’s still a 0/10.
Silver Age-ness: 10/10
That is QUITE the invention to be forgotten, plus the casual use of radiation.
Does it stand the test of time? 3/10
Premiani’s artwork is as solid as usual, but honestly this one is pretty dated. There’s a lot that could be done with Negative Man’s situation, and while the series WILL address it interestingly, it’s not really here.
Plus it’s very hard to take the villains seriously, ezpecially ven zhat voman talks vith zuch a riziculous fonetic aczent, non?
Times Robotman has been damaged: 4
Giacomo the Midget is so obscure, even Grant Morrison didn’t make use of him.
I do have to point out Rita’s reference to “pulling a boner”. At the time, that merely meant she’d made a mistake. In modern parlance, a boner is an erect penis. When a woman says she’s pulled one…. That would be an entirely different sort of comic.
It’s interesting to note that the Doom Patrol had little historical significance on the rest of the DCU, yet their stories were among the best of the Silver Age. I read this story in a reprint several years later. The revelation of Larry’s true appearance shocked me. It was quite scary for a 10-year-old, especially since he was a hero and not a villain.
No wonder Rita saw these guys as friends. One is a robot and the other would give her cancer. No chance of intimacy.
There is an odd line in this issue, which I don’t think has ever been explained.
The disguised Madame Rouge says that “even in France (they) know that every time Negative Man acts” Larry risks his life.
Maybe that was mentioned in some previous story, but I don’t think it was. Kind of odd that random people in France would know or believe in such a thing even if true.
At this point in publication presumably even the Chief’s name is a secret, let alone vulnerabilities of the powered members. Maybe the Chief or someone else has been feeding misinformation and rumors to disorient their enemies?
Presumably this was part of the same attempt at giving all three field members scary disadvantages, just as Rita was said in #95 to equally be risking her life when she used her powers (and then everyone just forgot all about that).
Just as odd: Larry and Rita are very clearly shown to have feelings for each other in #86 and #87. And then it is all entirely forgotten.