Scooby-Doo! Team-Up #33 (Part 2)

Scooby-Doo! Team-Up #33 (2018) – Part 2
by Sholly Fisch & Dario Brizuela

Let’s finish one of the weirdest Legion team-ups ever.

The Legion is being attacked by the Ghost of Ferro Lad, but Shadow Lass is on the case.

Shaggy is single-handedly carrying 90% of the comedy. I thought this was pretty funny.

But Brainiac 5 has deduced that Emerald Empress is behind the ghost. Which I would be fine if A) the Legion didn’t need Velma to point it out B) the Eye was disguising itself in any way!!!


Trust me, Shaggy, the Eye is way scarier when it’s just an eye.

I’m serious: we eventually DID discover who Ekron was in the pages of Green Lantern.
And it’s just some alien Green Lantern that went bad.
I really, REALLY prefer the Emeral Eye to be some mysterious eldritch abomination without a clear origin, that’s way scarier than anything else you could come up for it.

I’m with Cosmic Boy on this one. The ghost being part of a Fatal Five plan is perfectly fine, but they seriously expected that ALONE to be enough to disband the team!?

Speaking of the Fatal Five, this results in a big dumb fight.

Trust me, Shaggy, you wouldn’t be the worst recruit. They did take Command Kid after all.

This is obviously a more kid-friendly version of the Fatal Five, but I’m still unimpressed by Emerald Empress.

Not that the others are particularly good in this.

I mean, the Scooby gang are basically superheroes at this point, but… COME ON.

I mean, based on Fred’s comment are we supposed to believe THIS GUY can defeat the Fatal Five?

At least Tharok is defeated by a Legionnaire…

…which leaves my boy Validus to defend the team’s honor.

Unless Shaggy can save the day!

10/10. No notes.

Having helped save the day, the entire Scooby gang is made honorary Legionnaires!

Still makes more sense than making Jimmy Olsen one.

Does any of this show up in any regular continuity?
SHOULD any of this have happened in regular continuity?
I can’t find anything that would even remotely qualify.

Silver Age-ness: 10/10
Nothing new for Scooby Doo since, once again, THIS FRANCHISE IS INSANE.

Does it stand the test of time? 6/10
Definitely weaker than the first part. Even taking into consideration that this is supposed to be a fun romp, it doesn’t have the same charm of the first part and seems to be going through the motions.
There ARE ways to make the Fatal Five kid-friendly without making them pathetic; I’ll eventually cover the Legion cartoon, and they did a pretty good job with them.
I’m sure that even as a kid I would have wondered why the Legion made a big deal out of them if they’re THIS easy to defeat!
With the sole exception of the two-page spread of Validus eating snacks while petting a dog.
I would pay for a poster of that image. With money.
The Scooby gang was relatively funny in the first part, but in the second half… they kind of suck in this? Other than Shaggy’s remembering he’s afraid of the dark, I can’t think of another funny joke that involves them.

We are legion
Active Legionnaires: 17
-Cosmic Boy
-Saturn Girl
-Lightning Lad
-Brainiac 5
-Phantom Girl
-Chameleon Boy
-Princess Projectra
-Matter-Eater Lad
-Shadow Lass
-Ferro Lad
-Element Lad
-Colossal Boy
-Bouncing Boy
-Shrinking Violet
-Karate Kid
Deceased Legionnaires: 1
-Ferro Lad
Honorary Legionnaires: 5
-Velma Dinkle
-Daphne Blake
-Fred Jones
-Norville “Shaggy” Rogers
-Scoobert “Scooby” Doobert III (yes that’s apparently his full name)
23 people have been members

Althought there are 18 active Legionnaires shown around the Scooby gang in the last page, so maybe I’m missing one from the count.
Maybe the one on the bottom right is supposed to be Superboy?

3 thoughts on “Scooby-Doo! Team-Up #33 (Part 2)”

  1. I like the concept, but the execution should have been better. The artist really needed to put in more effort and include backgrounds, and the Five needed to be presented as an actual threat. The Ghost of Ferro Lad did cause the Legion to break up back in Adventure Comics, so the Five’s plan is plausible… in a better-written story.

    I’d also like to point out that while the Scooby franchise is generally kid friendly, in the animated series Mystery, Inc, they cross over into Twin Peaks. Yes, David Lynch’s psychology horror murder mystery series. Scooby enters the Lodge and meets the Man From Another Place.

    Live action series Supernatural dropped into an animated episode of Scooby-Doo as well. Supernatural, the series that makes use of every horror trope, and ends with the main characters defeating and replacing God. But they meet Scooby along the way.

    1. I’ve never seen a single episode of Supernatural, but I have seen clips of that episode.
      The scene where the Scooby gang goes into existential horror when they discover the supernatural does exist is one of the funniest things ever done with the franchise.

      The Supernatural guys should’ve asked Shaggy to help defeat God, by the way. But I guess it would’ve been too easy for him.

  2. Assuming the hair color is accurate to Legion continuity and that they are both male (the faces look reasonably male), you are probably correct about the face in the lower right corner of that panel being Superboy. The only other era-appropriate match, which I assume is the face in the lower left corner, would be Chemical King. The only other era-appropriate Legionnaires with that color hair who is not clearly in the panel are Phantom Girl and Shrinking Violet, but the faces do look male. The other Legionnaires of that era who are missing from the image all have sandy-brown hair (Ultra Boy, Karate Kid, Invisible Kid, Timber Wolf and Duo Damsel).

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