Superboy 218

SUPERBOY 218 (1976)
by Cary Bates & Mike Grell

 Because hopefully nobody asked for it, the return of Tyroc.

We begin after yet another failed audition by Infectious Lass, who is disappointed by the fact that the Legion doesn’t want members who can cause epidemics. (!!!!)

One of the rejects is Quake Kid, who might just be the most obscure reject ever: he only gets one page. You’d expect him to be a perfect candidate for the Legion of Super-Villains, but no.

We don’t learn the name or the power of the third reject yet.

After a recap of Tyroc’s first story, he teleports into the Legion HQ.

And that’s when an old enemy of the Legion shows up: Zoraz!


Tyroc uses his voice to make Zoraz explode, but the villain just absorbs his attack.

Zoraz manages to escape, and we learn how he’s able to counteract the powers of all Legionnaires: remember the clone business of Superboy #206?

They think Zoraz is still hiding in the building, so they look for him everywhere.
At least the Legionnaires who aren’t making out or peeping.

“I wasn’t ready”, says the precog. Who would’ve guessed Dream Girl’s secret weakness is being horny?

I’ll give you a hint about the real identity of Zoraz: he’s not Nemesis Kid (who is unfortunately busy being embarrassing in Karate Kid #1).

It’s official: Zoraz sucks.

Tyroc manages to escape, only to be told by the Legion that Zoraz is… Sun Boy?

You get to be Zoraz! Everybody gets to be Zoraz!

Yes this was all an initiation test for Tyroc. Zoraz isn’t actually real.

Except, like I said: EVERYBODY gets to be Zoraz. Including the rejects!

This is Absorbancy Boy, who has the power to absorb the energy of other heroes and copy their super-powers.

Which is an AWESOME power, but right now he’s Zoraz. And since, like I said, Zoraz sucks… Tyroc defeats him in one panel, overwhelming the super-hearing he has absorbed from Superboy.

And so we end with Tyroc officially joining the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Notice Karate Kid is there: this story is supposed to take place while he’s stuck in the 20th century, but there is no consistency about that, as we’ll soon see.

Historical significance: 6/10
Until the 2010s, this would’ve been an easy 0/10… it’s where Tyroc joins, yes, but easily skippable.
Then the so-called “retroboot” happened, creating a continuity that KIND OF follows this incarnation of the Legion… and Absorbancy Boy turned out to be a huge threat!
Renaming himself Earth Man, he was THE reason behind the entire 31st century turning against both the Legion and Superman. I haven’t actually read much about that run, but I know Absorbancy Boy of all people became a really big deal for a while.

Silver Age-ness: 6/10
So we’re just letting go a girl who can create epidemics, a guy who (presumably) creates earthquakes and a guy who can copy super-powers go free without checking on them?

Does it stand the test of time? 0/10
We’ve seen the whole “create a fake threat for a test” before, and at this point “a reject looks for vengeance” has been done to death. Adding insult to injury, Absorbancy Boy had an interesting power but he’s utterly wasted here.

Tyroc power count: 5
I was ready to add something, but he did send supersonic signals in his first story.

 We are legion
23 Legionnaires
6 reserve members
3 honorary members: Elastic Lad, Pete Ross, Rond Vidar
1 resigned member: Command Kid
1 expelled member: Nemesis Kid
3 deceased members: Dynamo Boy, Ferro Lad, Invisible Kid

 How much Legion is too much?
With Tyroc joining, the total number of characters who have been members is 37.

Legion rejects: 38
The rejected members take the lead once again!