Jimmy Olsen 15

By Otto Binder & Curt Swan

1956 is year where Barry Allen debuts as the Flash, but he’s not the only speedster around.

Once again we start with Jimmy Olsen visiting a crazy scientist that has created an impossible invention: a serum that gives you super-speed.

Which Jimmy Olsen IMMEDIATELY drinks by accident.
This is basically the origin of Bouncing Boy, only even more stupid.

Jimmy’s first instinct after he gets superpowers? Impress his colleagues at the office.
Of course.

With this power he can do amazing thinks like fixing a necklace “in a flash”…

…do paperwork really really fast…

…type really really fast…

…and write really really fast.

Why does this guy keep getting superpowers if he keeps using them for mundane tasks!?

He also has to learn the drawbacks of superspeed, like the fact that if you ride a bike you cause money to fly…

…and you crash into cars.

Why do you even need it!?!?

I don’t know, Superman, I feel like the issue is less about the inherent troubles of superspeed and more the fact that Jimmy is a complete idiot.

Also, “super speed is not for others”? Really, Supes? Really?

Just to prove to Superman he’s ready to be a hero, Jimmy decides to CALL A GANGSTER INTO HIS OFFICE:

Now hear me out, Superman.
Either Jimmy’s plan works and you arrest the criminal… OR it doesn’t work and he gets killed.
The way I see it, you win either way!

But no… Clark saves Jimmy’s life after learning the serum’s effect is temporary.

Oh no, how will Superman protect his secret identity in the same issue where we are introduced to a serum that replicates the exact power he just used!?

You don’t say.


Historical significance: 0/10
As usual, completely forgotten to time.

Silver Age-ness: 6/10
Random scientist creates superpowers? Check. Stupid ways to use it? Check. No consequences? Check.

Does it stand the test of time? 0/10
I know it’s not meant to be taken seriously, but even as a parody it would be really hard to make this readable today.

Stupid Jimmy Olsen moment
Try “stupid Jimmy Olsen story”. Everything he does is dumb. Everything.

Superpower count: 5
So far the list of Jimmy Olsen’s powers include flight, x-ray vision, heat vision ,invisibility and now super-speed.