One of the most controversial periods of the Legion, one of the most confusing, and one that requires the most backstory.
The Legion and “The Grid”
Invasion and the Legion
L.E.G.I.O.N. and the Legion
How the 5YL will be covered
5YL membership
Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #2-3
Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #4
Secret Origins v2 #46
Secret Origins v2 #46 – Bonus
Secret Origins v2 #47
Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #5-8
Secret Origins vol2 #49
Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #9-10
Intermission: Mon-El in 1990
Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #11
Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #12-15
Intermission: Superman Time, Part 1 (Adventures of Superman #477)
Books of Magic #4
Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #16-18
Adventures of Superman #478