Reviews are cycled between several main retrospectives. This is what is currently scheduled for them, and what is being considered for future retrospectives. Outside of these there may be occasional divergences into other stories, if it’s a Patreon request or if I feel like it.
And then there’s Random Thoughts that could be just about anything.


Currently going through the Five Years Later era

This will be covered slightly differently from the other eras, as detailed.
We are also going through the Legion adaptations, but keep in mind this will be on a more irregular schedule.
Only after the end of the 5YL era I will be looking at, in order:
1) The Reboot era
2) The so-called “Threeboot” era
3) The so-called “Retroboot” era
That’s enough material from QUITE a while. I don’t think I’ll cover the Bendis era until the Legion gets rebooted again, which… being the Legion, it will probably happen.

It has gone through the apocrypha linked to the pre-1989 Legion. Apocrypha related to the Reboot and others will follow once I get to the reboot.
The comic book that continues the adventures in the Smallville universe follow after I’ve done the Legion episode of the TV series.

Currently going through the 2010s.
Once I reach the 2020s, the retrospective will have caught up with the start of my reviews. I will still continue the reviews, but depending on when I get there I may need to wait a little longer.
After that I might have a look at apocryphal stories that are not yet covered in the What If section.
I definitely won’t do a deep dive into the adaptations because there’s just too many!

Going through the Golden Age superheroes first. I will cover as many heroes as I can, important or forgotten, until the very least the 80s. Then we’ll see.

Currently finishing the original run. I will then have a quick look at the second incarnation and finish with the Teen Titans stories that act to the finale.

The retrospective will cover both the Eternals run by Jack Kirby and his Fourth World series, focusing mostly on New Gods, with a quick look at Forever People and Mister Miracle. My goal is to compare and contrast two universes that have a lot in common but a lot more differences.


Strange Tales and Metal Men are completed for good: the Human Torch serial has been reviewed in its entirety, and there are no more Silver Age Metal Men stories left.
SupergirlJimmy Olsen and Lois Lane receive updates if they show up in an important role in someone else’s story.
Dazzler is officially over: I’ve covered her original series and a few stories linked to that. The only potential addition is if there is a story set in that period.
Secret Wars is currently on hiatus until the Doctor Doom retrospective reaches 2015.
Villain origins might get updated sporadically with if I have a villain to add, most likely in the Golden or Silver Age.
World’s Finest is done; I may review an issue I skipped if I see a reference to something worth reviewing.
DIAL H FOR HERO is done, since I’ve even covered the 2019 series that ended just before the start of the site; I might eventually cover additional Robby Reed stories if set in the Silver Age, but probably not for any newer appearance.


Three more retrospectives are currently planned:
-A “famous Superman story” retrospective covering selected stories from the 40s, 50s and 60s. It will start only after the Doom Patrol retrospective is finished.
-A deep dive in the Kanigher era of Wonder Woman. This will start only after I have done either the Eternals retrospective, the Superman retrospective, or possibly only after I have completed both.

No precise plans, but I will also have to look at the awful 50s Batman stories that went full sci-fi. This will be at some point after other retrospectives are done.