Astonishing Tales #8

by Gerry Conway & Gene Colan

Last issue of Astonishing Tales featuring Doctor Doom, who doesn’t even get the cover despite this being the most significant story of the run. BY FAR.

Gene Colan is on fire from page one.

These panels are dripping with atmosphere. No wonder Colan got to draw a critically acclaimed run on Tomb of Dracula.

Doom is preparing a battle with the Devil himself to free his mother from Hell, something that apparently he does on a regular basis.

We are given the backstory by the people of Latveria, who describe it like a legend.

The battle itself is given more gravitas by the slow burn, highlighting the anticipation and even showing that Doom just might be afraid.

In future stories the entity battling Doom will be clearly identified as Mephisto, but here it’s a more generic interpretation.

Mephisto summons his champion: some kind of demon stone mummy called Kagrok. Not the best design ever, but it gives quite a challenge to Doom.

Obviously Doom resorts to using his technology as well…

…but it’s not enough: Doom loses.

Doom goes so far as to admit failure to his loyal servant and friend Boris… but not that he needs any help.

Perhaps next hear. Perhaps.

I freaking love this story. Among the top ten Doctor Doom stories ever written.


Doom significance: 10/10
Doom’s quest to save his mother will become a MAJOR part of many future stories.

 Silver Age-ness: 0/10
I can’t find a single Silver Age trope here!

Does it stand the test of time? 10/10
Easily, EASILY publishable today. You don’t even need to change anything.

It was a Doombot all along
While I’m not putting past him to build a robot who can fool the Devil, this has to be the real Doom.

Take over the world & Destroy the FF!
Not even considered. Not for a second.

 Times Doom has tried to save his mother from Hell: 1
New counter. Doom will eventually succeed at this, but it’ll take a long time!

Crazy tech
The force field is the only technology we see… and it fails miserably, meaning this is the first Doom story withouy any crazy tech!

4 thoughts on “Astonishing Tales #8”

  1. Beautiful, brilliant character story for Doctor Doom. Flames and shadows… Classic Colan! You’re right to bring up Tomb of Dracula; I think this Doom vignette sits neatly between that and his Doctor Strange run of the late 60s.

    1. Absolutely! I’m not a huge fan of Colan on Iron Man, but he’s absolutely on fire on Dracula and Doctor Strange. And in this story too!

      (BTW, I removed the link to avoid getting in trouble… I’m already on shaky grounds with the amount of comic that I show, I’m sure you’ll understand)

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