Action Comics #282

ACTION COMICS 282 (1961)
by Jerry Siegel & Jim Mooney

Lesla-Lar has been impersonating Supergirl since Action Comics #279; it’s about time to end that particular storyline.

Being a stalker is hard work. I’m kind of disturbed by the fact that the Kandorian can watch everything Supergirl does in her bathroom.

Last time Superman discovered that Supergirl was able to keep her powers if she traveled to the past. Now he does the logical thing and brings up the Legion’s time machine to bring her to the 30th century and have Brainiac 5 examine her.

Wait, no, that would actually make sense: he leaves her alone because he doesn’t have the time.

You can fly through time AND you have a time machine!!! HOW ARE YOU SO BAD AT TIME MANAGEMENT!?!?

Supergirl goes to “the far distant future” and saves the people from a giant bird.
I love the fact that time travel is so common that nobody finds it weird to see her.

We’re not told what century this is, but it’s definitely not the Legion’s 30th century. This is pretty blatantly Fahrenheit 451.

Look, I know you want this to be a serious story, but…

… how can I take this guy seriously!?!?

His regime falls ridiculously fast once Supergirl is around.

It’s pretty well known that Jerry Siegel had a complicated history with Superman, considering how DC screwed him over with his contract, to the point that for some time he despised the character.
Somehow I get the idea that he was actually more fond of Supergirl.
Just a hunch.

They ask her to stay, but of course the status quo is supreme.

It would’ve made sense if Supergirl decided to stay in the future (especially in the Legion, since she does have friends there), and once again Superman isn’t terrible about this.
Considering she JUST got a new family, she decides to stay in the present even if she’s powerless.

And because, well. You know. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Since I’m reviewing these stories somewhat our of order we’ve already seen that Dick will turn out to be a dick, but she doesn’t know that yet.

At this point she has little use for her Supergirl identity. Considering she could still have adventures with the Legion when they need her, this is a little forced…

…except she suddenly has her powers back!


Then all of a sudden the Kandor police arrests Lesla-Lar, making the vast majority of this entire storyline COMPLETELY POINTLESS.

How the hell did Supergirl get her powers back? Just lazy writing?
No, by Mr. Mxyzptlk AND lazy writing.

The fact that Supergirl is now immune to Kryptonite will be the basis of future issues of Supergirl’s serial. Lesla-Lar will return in Action Comics #297, in the same storyline where she seemingly dies.

As for why Supergirl keeps her powers after this, even if the effects of Mr. Mxyzptlk’s magic vanish when he gets back to the 5th dimension… I’ve got nothing.

Historical significance: 0/10
As you might have guessed, we’ll never see this future again. The most significant thing is the reintroduction of Dick as a love interest, but come on… 

Silver Age-ness: 10/10
Extremely casual time travel, a goofy future in a serious story, plus that stupid ending.

Does it stand the test of time? 0/10
Poor Lesla-Lar. She has a spectacular introduction as a great villain, then she fades into the background for a couple of issues, only to be dismissed in a throwaway panel.

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