Super-Villain Team-Up #16&17

The last three issues of Super-Villain Team-Up don’t feature Dr. Doom at all. Issue 15 was a reprint.
I’m covering issues 16 and 17 in a double feature because I want to be done with them as quickly as possible… you’ll understand why shortly.

by Peter Gillis & Carmine Infantino
cover by Al Milgrom

It’s a team-up between Red Skull and Hate Monger. Not only they’re both Nazis, but Hate Monger is LITERALLY Hitler.

I do appreciate the boldness on making sure we understand from the first page that the two protagonists are absolute monsters with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

This issue is really uncomfortable to read. Not only Carmine Infantino is the worst penciler for this kind of job, but we have to sit through Red Skull talk about his body odor with Hitler.


I’m not exaggerating on Hate Monger, by the way. He’s a clone of Adolf Hitler, although at this point of the story we’re not supposed to be sure he’s a clone.

So, uhm, yeah. Mind you, the story keeps hammering on the fact that these are monsters, but this is really hard to sit through.

We also check on Yousuf Tov, an Israeli commando who has been captured by Red Skull.

The story takes place in Skull Island (subtle!), where the Red Skull is planning to recreate the reality warping Cosmic Cube.

The Red Skull is kind of obsessed with the Cosmic Cube in this period, but it never ends well for him.

However Red Skull still needs some information stolen from SHIELD in order to complete the new Cosmic Cube, and Yousuf Tov will have to help him.
If he doesn’t…

Red Skull then updates Hate Monger, who is busy painting He-Man.

Turns out that the reason why Red Skull didn’t die on the Moon where Dr.Doom left him only thanks to Nazi astronauts.

Yousuf manages to escape…

…and even manages to reach an American ship…

…except the ship already belongs to Red Skull.

And so the story ends, with Yousuf’s efforts being utterly pointless.

Well that was depressing. And it’s only going to get worse.


by Peter Gillis & Arvell Jones
cover by Keith Pollard

A much better cover than the last one!

Turns out that all Red Skull needed to finish the Cosmic Cube was kidnapping a scientist from AIM.

I’m not entirely sure, but this may be the first time we’re explicitly told that MODOK was created to facilitate the construction of the Cosmic Cube.

Instead of mutating someone to grow a giant brain, Red Skull is instead using multiple subjects. Who promptly die one after another.

We then move to SHIELD, who are hearing a report from Yousuf’s lover Rachel.
She has been mutilated while she was prisoner of the Red Skull, although the artwork makes it look like they gave her a tattoo.

Rachel is an absolute badass. Unfortunately this is her last appearance; I would gladly see her in Captain America stories!

SHIELD is reluctant to attack the Red Skull because at the moment they can’t locate the Avengers or the Fantastic Four, but they do plan a strike… even if they insist Rachel should stay behind.

She does convince them to let her join the mission.
I know she’s basically a throwaway character, but I do appreciate these small moments.

Time is running out: Red Skull is almost done with building the new Cosmic Cube.

Red Skull realizes that it’s time to kill the Hate Monger, and that makes him sad.

Yeah, uhm, if the idea was to make us feel bad for the Nazi… it’s not working. AT ALL.

SHIELD attacks, but it turns out that the entire island can be protected by a GIANT SHIELD MADE OF ADAMANTIUM.

You think that’s overkill? SHIELD showed up with the Overkill Horn!!!

While Red Skull’s forces fight SHIELD, Hate Monger talks with Arnim Zola to reveal his backstory.

In case you didn’t know, it’s Marvel canon that Hitler didn’t actually kill himself. He was burned alive by the original Human Torch.

And over the years he’s continuously been transferring his mind into new clones of Hitler supplied by Arnim Zola.

Instead of transferring his mind into a new clone, Hitler now wants to be transferred inside the Cosmic Cube itself and inherit its infinite power.

SHIELD makes short work of the Red Skull soldiers, even managing to kill several of his lookalikes left behind as a diversion.

Just in case you were waiting for a happy ending: Yousuf is brain dead, having been of the subjects on the MODOK-like machine.

And so we end with Red Skull having successfully trapped Hate Monger inside a failed attempt to create a new Cosmic Cube.


Historical significance: 7/10
This clears up the status of Hate Monger and several of other Hitler clones. His mind will remain trapped inside the Cosmic Cube until Captain America #445 in 1995.

 Silver Age-ness: 10/10
The Hitler clone alone would be enough, but the dome of adamantium and the Overkill Horn?

Does it stand the test of time? 0/10
The first story is a mess, but the second one is well written and the final twist is very good. You just have to stomach having two Nazis pontificate for a couple of issues and one of them ultimately winning. This version of Hate Monger will have only a couple more appearances as it becomes increasingly hard to accept having a clone of Hitler still around, which means it’s basically impossible to tell this kind of story today.

One thought on “Super-Villain Team-Up #16&17”

  1. The second part of this was my first encounter with both Hate Monger and Arnim Zola. Still remember being creeped out by both the latter’s character design and the idea of Actual Hitler being a mind-ghost that could jump between bodies. Memorable book for me.

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