Jimmy Olsen 87

JIMMY OLSEN 87 (1965)
by Otto Binder & Curt Swan

Most Jimmy Olsen covers and splash pages make you ask yourself “Why is this happening?”.
This one makes me think “Why doesn’t this happen more often?”.

We begin with Jimmy sustaining brain injury, so that’s a good start.

At the Daily Planet, we learn that Clark Kent is writing an article about the latest news… of the Old West.

This gives Jimmy a vision!

And of course his prediction is correct: the experimental jet is stolen.

Superman could simply pick up the jet and bring it back… but he has to show off.

Of course nobody believes that Jimmy can predict the future.
So Jimmy traces his steps from the day of his first prediction, leading to ANOTHER brain injury.

This allows him to predict a meteorite hitting the Daily Planet. (!!!)

Well okay it was a crashing satellite, but holy crap just how unlucky is the Daily Planet!?

Apparently Jimmy can predict the future every time he’s hit in the head (!!!), so the rest of his colleagues take turn bashing his skull.

Awwww, comic, you didn’t have to do this! It’s not even my birthday!

This looks like the best moment to play my favorite game, “Guess the stupid twist!”
What do you think is happening?

A) It’s all a trick by Superman to stop a crime in the most confusing way
B) It’s a trick by Mr. Mxyzptlk to annoy Superman and the readers
C) One of Superman’s souvenirs allowed Jimmy to see the future
D) There is no trick. Being hit by a potted plant makes you see the future


And the answer is…


Then Clark Kent just HAPPENS to be hit in the head BY THE SAME PLANT.

Since he’s invulnerable, this has no effect on him. But instead of saying “well there was like a million to one chance it would happen again”, Clark has to fake it.

Except SOMEHOW his prediction comes true!!!

HOW!? Well, he subconsciously knew that this would happen.
Or something like that, I haven’t been hit on the head enough times to appreciate this.

And so we end with the miraculous plant dying.

Never change, Silver Age. Never change.


Historical significance: 0/10
As you might have guessed, this is not Dream Girl’s secret origin.

 Silver Age-ness: 10/10
Being hit on the head by a potted plant gives you prophetic visions!

Does it stand the test of time?: 0/10
Even for a sitcom or a cartoon this is unbelievably stupid.

Superpowers count: 37
Adding clairvoyance to the list. I’m surprised we are STILL finding new powers!!!

Stupid Jimmy Olsen moment

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