Lois Lane #71

LOIS LANE #71 (1967)
by Leo Dorfman & Kurt Schaffenberger

Last issue Superman was turned into “Superpussycat”, so we’re off to a good insanity.

After an extremely necessary two page recap of last issue, Catwoman uses her magic wand to turn Lois into a mouse.

My first reaction was “But last time Catwoman said that the wand had enough energy left for only one transformation”, and in fact… it’s only a dream.

Glad we wasted time with that instead of showing a Batman/Catwoman fight.

Superman being turned into a cat wasn’t part of the dream. It’s just my nightmare.

Catwoman demands to be set free in order to restore Superman, which of course is a no deal.
Then it turns out that Superman still has his mind.

And he’s too embarrassed to admit he’s a pussycat.

Then Lois brings her cat to the White House (??????), where she can update the President.

Yep. LBJ’s first appearance in a Superman book is the one where he turns into a cat.

The President wants to recover some mice that NASA sent on the Moon (!!!!), and that’s accomplished by a cat punching a satellite.

You’re never going to guess how Superman comes back to normal.
I would normally play “Guess the stupid ending”, but I simply can’t come up with anything stupid enough.

First of all: Lana Lang’s archeologist father shows her what he’s found in his latest expedition…

…and finds the feline version of a monkey’s paw.

You involve the Egyptian gods in a story about cats and you choose Horus instead of Bast, the literal cat goddess!?!?!?!?

Lana wonders about what she could wish for. I’m impressed that one of the options isn’t “be Superman’s bride”.

But of course…

Well at least we acknowledge that Lana is marginally better than Lois.

Once again I have to remind you that people paid to read this. With money.

Historical significance: 0/10
I guess Batman never learned about this. You know he would constantly bring it up.

Silver Age-ness: 10/10
Why do I even bother?

Does it stand the test of time? 0/10

Stupid Lois Lane moment
“If I just ask Catwoman to turn you back, what’s the chance that she’ll refuse?”

Interesting letters: well the editor didn’t say she was WRONG in her analysis…

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