Superboy 199

SUPERBOY 199 (1973)
by Cary Bates & Dave Cockrum
cover by Nick Cardy

Told you that the gun from Superboy 197 would become significant.

After recapping the events of that story, and doing a better job at showing off that Tyr is HUGE…

…Superboy goes back to the 20th century, where he’s “long overdue”.
How can you possibly be late when you can time travel!?

Just as he’s leaving, Tyr’s gun (which is actually orbiting the planet) shoots the Legion HQ with a weird ray.

Yet another new costume, for Dream Girl this time. Not a radical change but this will remain her costume for the rest of her continuity, including the star-shaped… tattoo? Mole? Whatever that is.

But more importantly we have Star Boy’s new costume. Which is not just among the best Legion costumes, that’s among the best super-hero costumes, PERIOD.

But back to the plot: the ray sealed the six Legionnaires currently at HQ inside the building. And since none of them is a physical powerhouse, they have to use some of Brainiac 5’s weapons to try to escape.

Luckily for the Legion, Superboy managed to see the ray just before leaving the 30th century, so he goes back to destroy the gun. But we don’t get to see what happens right away, despite the “bavooommmm”.

Back at the HQ, Dream Girl gets a rather specific premonition. Weird to see Legionnaires that STILL doubt the precision of her power… especially her boyfriend!

I was wondering why Tyr would order his gun to seal the HQ, since he was trapped inside. Turns out the gun does whatever the plot needs it to!

Tyr is not currently a menace, since he’s immobilized by Star Boy increasing his weight. Despite this, Princess Projectra freaks out FOR NO REASON.

Oh come on!!! I thought we would leave this crap in the 60s!!!

Especially because she would’ve been completely justified if she freaked out two pages later, when Superboy shows up… possessed by Tyr’s gun!

Turns out that making a gun super-intelligent is A REALLY BAD IDEA.

And that’s how Superboy killed one fourth of the Legion!

However the gun can still be beaten by SUDDEN KRYPTONITE!

The gun surrenders, going back to Tyr’s arm.

But surprise, that was actually Chameleon Boy!

The “death” of the Legionnaires was actually just an illusion created by Projectra. The Kryptonite glove was apparently real, though… does the Legion keep that around!?

Turns out Tyr was put in jail immediately after Star Boy immobilized him, and that’s the end!

That’s a good lesson, Projectra, but the only reason you didn’t crap your pants is that your costume is a bathing suit.

Bonus: a Bouncing Boy solo story!

We begin with his ship being ambushed by satellites camouflaged as meteors.

He’s forced to land on a nearby planet, where he’s immediately ambushed.

This is all just an elaborate trap from the new Hunter, who is actually the son of the guy from Adventure Comics #358.

With a guy named Hunter, do I really have to explain what his deal is?

Despite his… questionable fashion choices, the new Hunter is far smarter than his father: he doesn’t attack the ENTIRE Legion at once!

Hunter doesn’t have much difficulty in capturing Bouncing Boy…

…but Bouncing Boy manages to defeat him by:
1) holding a sneeze until the right moment
2) calculating his trajectory to hit Hunter from behind

Only Bouncing Boy can make a sneeze feel like a badass move.

Historical significance
Legion story: 1/10
Other than the new costumes of Dream Girl and Star Boy, this doesn’t have much of an impact.
Bouncing Boy story: 4/10
The new Hunter will definitely have more staying power than his father, becoming a useful fodder whenever a team of supervillains needs to assemble.

 Silver Age-ness: 2/10
Weird time-travel and sneezes aside, this is not particular Silver Age-y.

 Does it stand the test of time?
Legion story: 7/10
A solid story, if a bit lacking in characterization. Tyr’s gun is a little too overpowered, and Projectra’s freakout is an unfortunate stain in her otherwise fine career.
Bouncing Boy story: 8/10
Like every single Bouncing Boy solo story the idea is to showcase that he’s not useless after all, and it does a good job. I especially appreciate that he didn’t just win by randomly sneezing: he gave himself a cold in purpose and calculated the trajectory of his bounce!

We are legion
25 Legionnaires
3 reserve members: Kid Psycho, Insect Queen, Superboy
3 honorary members: Elastic Lad, Pete Ross, Rond Vidar
1 resigned member: Command Kid
1 expelled member: Nemesis Kid
2 deceased members: Dynamo Boy, Ferro Lad

 How much Legion is too much?
The total number of characters who have been members is 35.


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