Uncanny X-Men #147

UNCANNY X-MEN #147 (1981)
Writer: Chris Claremont
Pencils: Dave Cockrum
cover by Dave Cockrum

The conclusion to the trilogy. After two somewhat disappointing stories, let’s see if it sticks to landing.
Although the caption “We did it before… dare we do it again?” on the cover doesn’t give me much confidence. Admittedly it IS a nice cover.

We’re told how Nightcrawler managed to escape his prison: since he couldn’t teleport nearby without risking teleporting inside something, he teleported two miles into the air!!!

That’s just great storytelling.
Him managing to survive the fall because he catches the right updraft… not so much.

The comic makes a big deal about the fact that when Nightcrawler teleports he keeps his momentum, so I’m pretty sure this should’ve killed him.

Meanwhile Arcade continues being a little too friendly towards Doom for my tastes.

Doom alternates treating him like a friend and belittling him, and also he STILL hasn’t figured out that Storm is the one creating the storm!?!?

That is a big storm indeed.

Nightcrawler sneaks back into the castle. His banter is okay, but his thoughts are those of a man being written by Claremont.
Be honest, have you EVER thought “For a brief time I’ll be operating at peak efficiency” ONCE in your life!?

The other X-Men escape from their prisons in admittedly interesting ways.
Colossus figures out that the lasers are targeting his metal form, so he manages to get past them by switching back to his human form.

Angel finds a pattern in the lasers chasing him, so he maneuvers to make them create an opening.

And Wolverine has his 164,835th flashback.

Which makes him angry enough to go into a berserker rage and smash through the walls.

I do like the fact that his super-senses make him aware of the super-storm.

His senses also mean that Storm’s robot doesn’t have a chance to trick him.

Wolverine versus Doctor Doom! Let’s go!

Cockrum’s artwork has been somewhat off this entire time, but I LOVE this panel:

Nightcrawler distracting Doom by dropping some drapery on him… not so much.

This allows Wolverine to catch Doom. Interesting that he targets the eyes… you’d think his adamantium claws should be able to cut through the rest of the armor, but then again you never know with Doom.

Doom’s heart doesn’t seem to be in it, as he immediately gives them a way to restore Storm to her original state.

So, uhm, freeing Storm might not been a smart move, guys.

Just in case you thought Wolverine getting the drop on Doom was too easy: I told you his heart wasn’t in it.

Unfortunately an out of control Storm might just bee too much for him.

See, this is why that “We did it before… dare we do it again?” on the cover had me worried.
This is basically Dark Phoenix 2. And despite the fantastic artwork, that’s really lame because it lacks the pathos and impact of the original.

Chris Claremont once said in an interview that the original script called for Storm to lose control of her powers, allowing Doctor Doom to help the X-Men with a device to disperse the storm.
While that was cut because the story was way too long, you can still see the seeds.

Instead Storm snaps out of her power trip and “works with the forces of nature” to undo the super-storm.

Which of course works.

You would think this would be the moment where the X-Men make a final attack on Doom… but instead Storm wants to negotiate the release of Arcade.

Just make up your mind, Doom! Is Arcade a friend and a peer, or is he a brat that needs to apologize for his offense? And WHAT offense at this point!?

You would expect Storm… who basically turned into a monster because of him… would be incredibly upset at Doom for trapping her inside a statue, right?

And that’s how it ends.

Wait, WHAT!?


Doom significance: 4/10
Like the first issue, Doom’s fascination with Storm is the only part with any lasting effects.

 Silver Age-ness: 5/10
Nightcrawler catching an updraft that saves him from a 2 mile drop is just inexcusable.

 Does it stand the test of time? 6/10
What a letdown. The artwork is the only thing that has improved from the previous issues.
Storm freaking out and losing control of her powers is perfectly understandable giving her claustrophobia, but her power trip comes from absolutely nowhere and it’s just kind of forgotten.
Not to mention that the way she suddenly forgives Doctor Doom at the very end makes absolutely no sense whatsoever!

It was a Doombot all along
As discussed last issue, it will be revealed that this is actually a Doombot.

Destroy the FF! & Take over the world
Not once during the entire storyline. To be perfectly honest I’m not really sure WHAT Doom wanted out of this whole thing!

Crazy tech
It’s not shown or elaborated, but I have to give it to whatever device Doom was planning to dispose of the super-storm.

3 thoughts on “Uncanny X-Men #147”

  1. Thanks. I will now be forced to think “For a brief time, Ill be operating at peak efficiency.” at least one a day for the next week.

  2. Great review as usual.
    Also, we will learn that the Doombot here was “not a combat unit” embarrassing the X-men even further.

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