Lois Lane #116

LOIS LANE #116 (1971)
by Robert Kanigher & Werner Roth

You’re not gonna believe who is the villain behind this plot.

Lois is now doing her TV special. As mentioned below the Daily Planet is now owned by Morgan Edge’s TV station, and Lois is currently working there pushing the work of a new journalist.
Kanigher is doing his best to connect Lois to the Thorn serial that was going on in this book, and where “The 100” are the bad guys.

Superman stops an assassination attempt by making a weird pose.

Look, I’m not saying you can’t do a story about Superman against drug dealers…

…but maybe TRY to keep the weirdness down!?

Or even better, actually do a story about drugs instead of abruptly changing the plot?

Either Superman can smell you across a metropolis, or Lois uses waaaay too much perfume.

And now is where the story goes completely… well it’s not QUITE insane for Kanigher and Lois Lane, but still… pretty weird.

It does allow Werner Roth to stretch his standards. Pun intended.

And the villain who kidnapped Lois, and who sent a squad of angry bikers against Superman, turns out to be… Desaad, Darkside’s henchman!

Lois Lane, brought to you by “I can’t believe it’s not drugs”.

There aren’t enough WTF in the universe for those panels.

Superman survives because Desaad didn’t consider the possibility that he would… checking my notes… punch stuff.

And so we end our story with the greatest whiplashes in this series, going from dancing to a happy tune…

…to freaking DARKSEID.

Words cannot express how happy I am that Darkseid actually makes an appearance on “Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane”.

Pretty boring out of Darkseid’s appearance and some genuinely horrifying imagery, so there isn’t enough material for a proper full review.

Historical significance: 0/10

Silver Age-ness: 10/10

 Does it stand the test of time? 0/10

Stupid Lois Lane moment
She doesn’t get one… because all she does in this comic is flirt with Superman, get kidnapped and punch Desaad. Surprisingly enough, she doesn’t do anything stupid!

One thought on “Lois Lane #116”

  1. “Words cannot express how happy I am that Darkseid actually makes an appearance on “Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane”.”

    It’s only fair after he Jimmy Olsen run.

    Also arguably more humiliating than selling fries to Ambush Bug.

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