Lois Lane #118-119

LOIS LANE #118 (1971)
by Robert Kanigher & Werner Roth
cover by Dick Giordano

Morgan Edge has been a constant presence on Jimmy Olsen and we barely saw him in Lois Lane.
Guess which series gives him an actual plot.

Your regular reminder that Lois is supposed to be a Pulitzer Prize level journalist.

Check out her outfit. High boots, shorts and a girdle… even by 70s that’s weird.

“A cutthroat crime syndicate” that kidnaps people with acrobatic jesters.

Guys, you kidnapped Superman’s stalker girlfriend in the open! What did you expect!?

With that completely useless plot over, we move to the major twist: the Morgan Edge we’ve been seeing so far… isn’t actually the real Morgan Edge!

We have, in fact, been following the evil clone of Morgan Edge all along!
Also, ladies: he’s single.

Behold, Darkseid’s master plan.
Step 1: make an evil clone of a rich dude.
Step 2: ???
Step 3: get the Anti-Life Equation.

Turns out that Evil Morgan Edge doesn’t have the courage to kill Slightly Less Evil Morgan Edge.

The whole idea of Evil Morgan Edge is certainly a Kirby plot, since he REALLY loved evil twin stories. This is a Kanigher story, however, so I expect an absolutely bonkers plan.

Evil Morgan Edge leads Superman to the location of Slightly Less Evil Morgan Edge… which I guess he knows by default?

The plot hinges on the fact that even Superman, who has “automatically memorized” Edge’s fingerprints (WTF!?) can’t distinguish between the two copies.

Superman can also memorize the exact number of pores on your skin.
Okay that’s… unspeakably dumb AND genuinely terrifying at the same time.

And Evil Morgan Edge counted on this because it means Superman doesn’t figure out there are two of him.

Except Slightly Less Evil Morgan Edge escapes at the end, making this whole story kind of pointless.

LOIS LANE #119 (1971)
by Robert Kanigher & Werner Roth
cover by Bob Oksner

This series is picking up the slack of Jimmy Olsen: first the Morgan Edge plot, now the return of Lucy Lane.

Who is apparently really into skydiving now.

If you were worried about how she was doing after dumping Jimmy Olsen: better than ever.

However she’s turned into an adrenaline junkie, and she only survives the dive thanks to Superman.

OF COURSE Lois would only think of her sister in terms of who she would marry.

We get a recap of the previous issue, and I’m still waiting to find out WTF cloning Morgan Edge has to do with the Anti-Life Equation.

Meanwhile Slightly Less Evil Morgan Edge has stumbled into an abandoned Jimmy Olsen plot.

But Evil Morgan Edge knows he can find him where there are people.
Wait, what?

Sounds legit.
Also something tells me Kanigher doesn’t have a high opinion of Lucy.

The assignment is utterly pointless because Clark Kent finds the other Edge BY COMPLETE ACCIDENT.

The hippie bikers with rockets and Kryptonite guns settled on an abandoned farm!?
Out of all the insane things in the Jack Kirby run, THAT is the most unbelievable thing of all.

Second only to them finding Jesus or something.

They also fight Discount Doctor Doom, for some reason.

Since when is Robert Metal Men Kanigher preaching the gospel!?

But *gasp* are the bikers actually a murderous cult!?

Nope! I for one am glad we explored that plot for TWO WHOLE PANELS.

And so we end with Lucy leaving, not having accomplished a single thing the entire issue.
Much like Lois and Superman, if you think about it.

Don’t worry, she’ll be back next issue.

Historical significance: 3/10
Evil Morgan Edge is technically important, but most of the Superman books completely ignore this entire plot.

Silver Age-ness: 6/10

Does it stand the test of time? 0/10

Stupid Lois Lane moment
First issue
Her boss had a complete and utter mental breakdown moments before this.

Second issue
Why would ANYONE wish a human being would marry Jimmy Olsen!?!?

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