Solarman #2

SOLARMAN #2 (1990)
by Stan Lee & Mike Zeck

This is one of the most obscure pieces of Doctor Doom apocrypha I’ve ever come across.
Despite being published in 1990 it’s much closer to the 1989 continuity… although this being in continuity is highly questionable to say the least.
You might be wondering: just who the heck is “Solarman”?

Well, he first appeared in 1979, published by the now defunct Pendulum Press. The character was then acquired by Marvel, and there were big plans for him: apparently the idea was to create an entire new franchise, independent from Marvel, as a base for cartoons and toys.

Image of the pitch for the TV series courtesy of the wonderful Marvel Appendix; you can find more background information here.

But despite getting STAN LEE as the writer, Solarman’s series lasted only… two issues.
So I guess Doctor Doom didn’t really help sales all that much.

It might have something to do with the fact that Solarman is, actually, kind of an idiot.

Much like DC’s Captain Marvel, Solarman is actually just a kid who magically transforms into an adult superhero. And he’s a Marvel superfan who wants to get hired as an artist, leading to Stan Lee going really, really, REALLY overboard with the metahumor.

Other than his desire to work as a comic book artist, Solarman’s greatest struggle is being a nerd with a father who thinks he sucks.

Even when he transforms into Solarman to save his father from some thugs, it doesn’t to anything to improve their relationship.

I would say the father is needlessly confrontational with the kid, but on the other hand, the kid is kind of insufferable.

Don’t call Solarman a Captain Marvel rip-off, though. Captain Marvel’s weakness is not CLOUDY WEATHER.

Despite the fact that no attempt whatsoever will ever be made to put Solarman in continuity, surprisingly enough the story does make an attempt to fit: it’s placed during Doom’s exile.

Doom’s plan is to fix the ozone layer by asking all of the world’s uranium in return.

I said before he’s kind of an idiot, but I was wrong. He’s absolutely an idiot.

So because no scientist can fix something he’s not created (WTF!?), the kid decides to knock on Doctor Doom’s door.


It doesn’t seem like Doom knows he’s Solarman, but he imprisons the kid when he accidentally sees the controls of the machine that is messing with the ozone layer.

So he just transforms into Solarman (there’s enough sunlight coming through the windows… seriously!) and he attempts to destroy the satellite that is affecting the ozone layer.

This leads to the fight nobody was asking for: Solarman versus Doctor Doom!

The fight is inconclusive because Solarman has to flee once it gets dark. I would make a joke about how lame he is, but he’s already a joke himself.

Turns out he wasn’t even fighting the real deal, just a Doombot… because the real Doom is sick with the flu. (WTF!?)

And so we end with Solarman demonstrating he may suck as a superhero, but he even sucks as an artist.

Geez, I wonder why nobody picked up this series to turn it into a blockbuster.

Doom significance: 0/10

Silver Age-ness: 10/10

Does it stand the test of time? 0/10

Should this have been canon?

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