Supergirl v2 #22-23

We are near the very end of the Supergirl retrospective: this is the end of her second series.
Before we tackle the actual story, a bit of housecleaning: Supergirl makes the very last change to her costume in issue #18, donning her headband.

While it is a throwback to her roots, issue #18 also points out that on Krypton only men wear headbands. But Supergirl has enough of a rebellious streak to wear one regardless.

Also, issue #20 was a celebration of Supergirl’s anniversary, which included a goofy-looking statue that I guess is constantly floating.

Supergirl was not a fan of that statue!

Okay, enough goofing around and let’s move to the story.

Supergirl v2 #22 (1984)
by Paul Kupperberg & Carmine Infantino
cover by Eduardo Barreto

Good for you, buddy, whatever the heck what you say means.

After spending a few pages following Supergirl dealing with a blackout…

…which is nothing spectacular, but at least it makes the artwork serviceable and even good at times…

…we have Supergirl having relationship problems because her musician boyfriend is always making up excused for never showing up.

The irony is not lost on her.

And so she breaks up with whatshisname.

If that’s too much subplots for you, we also have the main event: Supergirl’s professor turning into whatever the heck this is.

Supergirl v2 #23 (1984)
by Paul Kupperberg & Carmine Infantino
cover by Eduardo Barreto

Considering we are very close to Supergirl’s death, the cover feels a bit awkward.

Supergirl continues to fight that goofy monster.

Even she has no clue WTF is going on!

We discover through a flashback that her teacher, who I remind you is a psychologist and NOT a scientist… built an evolutionary machine when he was younger.

However he considered himself an abomination (I WONDER WHY) and turned back into his human self. Soooo… basically Supergirl’s teacher is a mix between the Hulk and the High Evolutionary. Gotcha.

The story seems to be taking this plot seriously, but it’s all so goofy it’s hard to believe they’re not going for intentional camp.

She eventually defeats him with super-hypnotism.

This is his last appearance. With that costume he should’ve tried to join the Legion, but would only have worked in the 70s.

During all this nonsense, Dick Malverne showed up to rekindle his romance with Supergirl.

With the series being canceled and with Crisis, this subplot was completely forgotten… until 2004 (more on that down below).

Interesting letters: it’s rare to see the cancellation of a series being acknowledged in the letters page! Also, a great deal of readers have been praising the artwork in the previous issues… which is just weird to me.

Historical significance: 0/10
Despite being the last issue, this is nothing special.

Silver Age-ness: 8/10
The civilian drama is good and all, but holy crap the villain!!! 

Does it stand the test of time? 4/10
The civilian aspect has gone through a significant improvement, to the point it’s vastly more interesting than the superhero part.
This is almost good, except the artwork… well…

I mentioned a bonus, didn’t I?
Dick Malverne showing up at the last minute won’t be picked up pre-Crisis, but…

Solo #1 (2004)
by Diana Schutz & Tim Sale

“Solo” was an anthology book with each issue dedicated to a single artist, who could work on whatever character was interesting. And this one includes a short Supergirl story that picks up directly after Supergirl #23.

It’s narrated by Supergirl herself, recalling her landing on Earth…

…her meeting Dick from Action Comics #256

…and then their relationship, which was ruined by her cousin being Just. The Worst.

That amusement park scene feels like a very specific reference but I don’t think it’s from an issue I have reviewed.

We eventually reconnect to Supergirl #23.

So, it’s been 20 years since we left that plot point dangling. What happened between the day they reconnected and her death? Did they have a few days of happiness together before she sacrificed herself to save the universe?
Nope! Dick was looking for Supergirl to tell her he’s always known her secret identity… and that he’s dying.

And that’s the last time they saw each other because he dies of Love Interest Cancer.

That’s a very well done and beautifully drawn little story, but man, I think I need a drink now.

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