World’s Finest #99

World’s Finest #99 (1959)
by Bill Finger & Dick Sprang
cover by Curt Swan

Don’t worry, the cover makes no sense in context either.

We begin with Batman bringing a million dollars into the Batcave. Since it’s going to be important throughout the story, keep in mind that 1 million dollars in 1959 are about 10.1 million dollars in 2022.

Robin seems to have some problem understanding the concept of spending money.

So Batman puts an ad on the newspapers saying he’ll BUY ANYTHING.

Which is to be expected. I mean Batman is kind of a hoarder, isn’t he?

This is a job for Superman! SOMEHOW.

So let me get this straight: Batman is in hurry to spend money… because he’s out of money?

Sounds legit.

That’s the setup of the whole story: Batman buys something that is worth nothing, Superman gets money out of it, and Batman is upset.

Rinse and repeat.

At this point you’re probably wondering: what does Discount Computo from the cover have anything to do with the story? GOOD QUESTION!!!

Yeah, who would’ve thought that a super-powerful automated excavator was more useful than something that just COUNTS SAND!?!?

Now, if only Batman FREAKING EXPLAINED ANYTHING to Superman the story would be over now!

Instead they waste a whole other page about this, with Superman recovering some of Batman’s money.

Superman attempts to arrest the guy who sent the robbers after Batman… but it’s a weird crime!

So what’s going on? Well… are you familiar with Brewster’s millions ?

Yep. That’s 100% the same plot of the novel and its dozens adaptations…

…but now with Batman!

So thanks to Superman’s interference, now Batman has to spend a million dollars quickly. Luckily for him, there’s PLENTY of junk in the Fortress of Solitude he can sell!!!

There’s still the problem of one of the silver meteorite, which Superman solves in an… unusual way.

Yeah, Batman is penniless now. Sure.

No wonder he hangs out with The Worst.

Yeah, I can’t imagine Batman spending a ton of money in ridiculous vehicles.

Historical significance: 0/10
Unless Batman actually buys a bat-bike to Robin in the next issues. Which could totally happen.

Silver Age-ness: 8/10
Superman casually generating massive amount of wealth.

Does it stand the test of time? 7/10
There’s a reason if Brewster’s Millions has been adapted a bunch of times! And there’s nothing wrong with Batman being in that position if you go the charity route… but you’d have to keep Superman out of the story because he makes everything WAY too easy!!!

Did Robin actually do anything? Unfortunately yes
Specifically he made the situation worse by not telling Superman to stay out of it.

Did Superman really need Batman?
Did Batman really need Superman? NOPE!!!
This is a potentially passable Batman story that is made worse by incorporating Superman.

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