World’s Finest #157

World’s Finest #157 (1966)
by Ed Hamilton & Curt Swan

I guess the Super Sons proved popular enough, because they got a sequel after just three issues.

A somewhat rare acknowledgment that other heroes exist.
You don’t often those when the hero in question is not from the Batman or Superman family.

They said the same thing about their children last time, when they were kids. And yet in both issues, Superman Junior and Batman Junior are the only ones wearing costumes!

A few things have changed since last time. Technology is more futuristic, and Bruce Junior is a dick.

Superman Junior is still the good kid. That’ll be relevant later.
It’s worth repeating what a great artist Curt Swan was: you can definitely tell these are the kids of Batman and Superman, but they’re not carbon copies. Even more impressive, you can definitely distinguish Superman Junior from how Swan typically drew Superboy.

The kid tries lying to Batman about his misconduct, but come on, old or not he’s still Batman.

Batman Junior is ALSO slacking off in his superhero training.

Last time Robin was still active as a hero, but we BARELY saw him. In the meantime he’s gone to work for the FBI…

…which I guess is why his first suggestion is to have Superman spy on the kid. (????)

But contrary to what we saw earlier, Superman Junior is ALSO acting irresponsibly.

Superman’s lungs are so powerful he can inhale in a vacuum!!!

Sounds legit.

Also Superman Junior is not a better liar than Batman Junior.

I do like how Superman tries to teach his son about using his powers responsibly, but maybe “boys will be boys” is a bit light as a reaction for almost creating a planetary fallout!
(also: that is some Wayne Boring proportions on Superman’s chest!!!)

Too bad it didn’t work.

On one hand, locking his son behind Kryptonite bars (!!!!) looks unusually cruel… but according to Superman that’s not a lethal dose, and he’s definitely the expert on the subject.

Batman Junior shows up to free his friend, but he’s caught immediately.
Why exactly they aren’t punished NOW, instead of waiting for a third prank!?

We interrupt this Superman story to bring you THE DUMBEST BATMAN SCENE EVER.

Okay, let me get this straight. Batman showed up on the boat to arrest two guys… who are just COMMON CRIMINALS, by the way… and the only trick he has is threaten to blow himself up!?
He brought the nitro with him, too! Couldn’t he just throw a couple Batarangs?

But wait, IT GETS DUMBER!!!

But wait, it gets EVEN DUMBER THAN THAT!!!

Yep. Batman’s first and in fact only choice to take out two common criminals was a vial of water.
Considering this is not only Batman, but a Batman rather late in his career… how many common criminals do you suppose he’s caught before!?

After everything that happened, WHY would you trust the kids!?

The cover scene was kind of lame, but it’s even worse in the story.

You know I’m beginning to think the World’s Finest are not exactly the World’s Greatest Parents.

Seriously, what do the kids have to do before they’re not given any more chances!?!?

Probably when they cause the death of their parents.

We’re near the conclusion, and as you’ve definitely guessed by the multiple hints we haven’t been following the REAL Super Sons for a while.

So it’s time once again for a round of Guess The Stupid Ending!
Who are the fake Super Sons?

A) Alien shapeshifters
B) Robots built by Luthor for evil
C) Robots built by Superman that went rogue
D) Creations of Mr. Mxyzptlk and/or Bat-Mite
E) Evil copies from another timeline

And the answer is… oh god, THEY REPRODUCE!?

We know Mxy has a girlfriend, Ms. Gsptlsnz, first seen in Jimmy Olsen #52… which is already bad enough, but the idea that BAT-MITE has kids…

There is no reason for these to be the children of Mxy and Bat-Mite. The originals could’ve just showed up to create mayhem.
Also it’s quite awkward to jump back over backwards to have Bat-Mite not being 100% on board with Mxy’s shenanigans… in fact, having Bat-Mite makes the story worse.

Historical significance: 0/10
Mercifully, the imp kids never show up again.

Silver Age-ness: 10/10

Does it stand the test of time? 0/10
Unlike the previous Super Sons story, this one was pretty lackluster. Until we get to THE DUMBEST BATMAN SCENE EVER, of course.

Did Robin actually do anything? Nope!
He’s wise enough to stay out of this.

Did Superman really need Batman? Definitely not
Seriously, how dumb was that scene!?!?

4 thoughts on “World’s Finest #157”

    1. As much as the Bat-God has become tiresome over the years, Batman was usually WAY better than this around this period!

  1. Judging from middle-aged Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Reed Richards, Stephen Strange, Nick Fury (original guy)…. aging superheroes automatically get distinguished grey streaks… But going bald is taboo for a superhero!

    1. It was Cosmic Boy’s misfortune to be the exception to that trope after he grew up. (N.b. Adventure Comics # 354-5 [Mar. and Apr., 1967].)

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