World’s Finest #204

World’s Finest #204 (1971)
by Danny O’Neil & Dick Dillin
cover by Neal Adams

We’re still in the World’s Finest period where Superman is teaming up with new superheroes. Last time Danny O’Neil’s critically acclaimed Green Lantern credentials didn’t transfer to the story, so what’s going to happen when he brings up his… let’s just say slightly less celebrated Wonder Woman?

The story doesn’t waste any time getting into absurdity, because Perry White sends Clark Kent to write a story about a computer dating service… despite the fact that, at this point, Clark doesn’t even work for him!!!

Why would he do this!? He doesn’t even think it’s a good idea!!!

This is taking place during the so-called “Mod Wonder Woman” period, the run where she was pretty much unrecognizable from her classic self.
We’ve seen her a couple of times in my reviews, but this period isn’t particularly well-known so to bring everyone up to speed:
A) she doesn’t have any powers
B) she’s a martial arts master now
C) she works at a boutique now
D) she has a mentor called I-Ching. And yes, as far as I can tell that’s HIS REAL NAME
E) said mentor apparently thinks Wonder Woman really, REALLY needs to get laid

And he ALSO doesn’t think this is a good idea. At this point, did ANYONE involved in this story thought it was worth it!?

All of this in order to have a blind date between Superman and Wonder Woman’s secret identities.
You know, they’re both single in this period, so if they REALLY wanted these two to date there wasn’t really any need for a complicated plot.

Is it just me or Superman seems a little condescending about her losing her powers?

When some muggers try to rob them, however, she demonstrates she doesn’t need powers to be a badass.

Good thing Batman isn’t here, he’d be sooooo jealous.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, is when the story goes absolutely bonkers.
Yes I know we barely started!!!

Dude, I know she’s Wonder Woman, but at least take her out to dinner before dropping your pants.

Wherever they ended up, it’s completely desolate and Wonder Woman has to depend on Superman to survive. So much for making her a badass, I guess.

This appears to be a consistent problem for World’s Finest writers: most of the time, Superman ends up doing 99% of the work. Which makes sense I guess, but then don’t make it a team-up!

Superman eventually finds signs of civilizations… in exactly the way you’d expect…

As if you couldn’t see this plot twist FROM THE COVER, this desolate planet is actually Earth in the future.

So Earth is currently a dead planet, with a super-computer running the place. And who after developing time travel decided the best course of action was to summon Superman and a powerless Wonder Woman into the future.

But that’s not even the dumbest part. You know how both Perry and I-Ching thought that the dating service was a dumb idea? Turns out it the robot put that idea into their minds FROM THE FUTURE.

But THAT is not the dumbest idea EITHER! The robot’s plan is actually:
1) telepathically send a message into the past to have Perry White and I-Ching suggest to Superman and Wonder Woman to have a date
2) summon Superman and Wonder Woman into the future
3) tell Superman to go back in time to save some guy
4) ????????????
5) prevent the apocalypse

Now I know what you’re thinking. The robot obviously knows this guy would’ve done something amazing if he wasn’t killed, right?
Well, turns out saving this guy is important to the future of the planet because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Nice plan. What if, just a thought, he came up with a SLIGHTLY better plan?
Like for example:
1) telepathically send a message into the past to FREAKING SUPERMAN to save this guy
2) ????????????
3) prevent the apocalypse

Or maybe, juuuuuust maybe, choose a time period when Wonder Woman still had powers and wouldn’t be in peril if your crappy time travel didn’t ALSO bring some minor criminals into the future?

But okay, this Wonder Woman might powerless but she can still fight three guys even if one has a gun.

Or we could have Superman do everything. Why did you even bring her here!?

So… you guys have served in the same team and had each other’s backs for decades… but NOW she notices Superman is a nice guy? Did he pull a lot of crap during all these years in the Justice League that we didn’t see, or she that clueless?

Yes, you two clearly shouldn’t become a couple. Otherwise Wonder Woman would be constantly attacked by random criminals LIKE SHE ALREADY IS.

Really, we all know the actual reason why these two can’t be a couple.

We can now return the plot about saving the future. Surely the robot can give us more information, right?

This probably takes place after the “Sandman Saga” that diminished Superman’s powers for a while, so I could give him a pass for not being able to time travel on his own… if only this comic made a reference to it.

But eventually Superman brings Wonder Woman (and the criminals) back to the present in the only mildly interesting panels of the issue.

Danny O’Neil was known for injecting social commentary in his stories, most famously for Green Arrow and Green Lantern. I wonder why this issue isn’t as well-remembered as those stories.

Well at least the heroes managed to save the guy they were supposed to be protecting, so the future will be fine.

Or not, because the “campus security guards” shot a different protester who MIGHT be the one they were supposed to be protecting.

You guys are just the worst at this, isn’t it?

And so we close in a frankly hilarious panel, with Superman over-reacting and Wonder Woman under-reacting.

This is so stupid I’ll let our wonderful guest star explain, because I’m frankly at a loss about WTF I just read.

Historical significance: 0/10

 Silver Age-ness: 8/10

Does it stand the test of time? 0/10

3 thoughts on “World’s Finest #204”

  1. The iron law of team-up stories is, or should be, “both heroes are required to obtain a triumph where neither could succeed alone.”
    This story fails, miserably, to observe this law.
    Mod Wonder Woman was completely unnecessary here. Superman could have handled it alone.

    Second terrible Superman team-up by O’Neil presented here. Did he resent working on WORLD’S FINEST. perhaps?

  2. I am reminded that the DCAU Justice League did a much better “Superman in post-apocalyptic future” story, “Hereafter.”

  3. One word: USELESS!
    There was some potential in this story: Superman can’t always win, and when he loses, he loses BIG TIME.
    But that’s all. And it makes no sense!
    Wonder Woman is totally useless, art decò, wallpaper.
    The time travel makes no sense because there IS a stable, certain future: The 30th century, and everybody’s living. The end of humanity will never happen, unless it’s an elseworld… but for how it was presented here, it looked like a certain future!
    This story would’ve been fine before the Legion of Super Heroes was introduced, when any future was good to go, but not now!

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