Legion of Super-Heroes v3 #19 (Part 2)

Legion of Super-Heroes vol.3 #19 (1986)
“Freedom of choice”
by Paul Levitz & Chuck Patton

We’re back to having two stories per each issue, and once again it’s one starring Invisible Kid II. I’ve been hard on him lately, will he FINALLY do anything interesting?

Yes, Dr. Gym’ll has raised the possibility of permanently remove his powers.

Which would, of course, mean Invisible Kid II would no longer be in the Legion.

This is a rather impressive feat for Gym’ll: considering Brainiac 5 never raised this possibility I’m going to assume this is a new discovery.

And despite my reservations on Invisible Kid II, who has been either awful or unremarkable or (ironically) invisible for a looooong time, his struggle is well executed.
After all he didn’t set out to be a superhero, so it makes sense he’d be tempted.

Also we have an alien design worthy of John Forte in this scene, and that’s not a compliment I use lightly.
Impressive work by guest artist Chuck Patton, who’s really mimicking Greg LaRoque’s style.

Of course this is still a superhero story so SOME emergency has to be seconds away.

Said emergency is Tiger Pants here stealing some drugs.

Not exactly the greatest criminal of the 30th century here.

His accomplices trying to leave the space station while ripping off the airlock is the actual threat.

But there’s no need for Invisible Kid to intervene, because the station is just fine…

…and the other criminals are stopped by the Legionnaires who have been called by Invisible Kid.

Wildfire’s compliment might feel more like a jab, but I share the sentiment: finally Invisible Kid did SOMETHING.

And so we end with him deciding to keep his invisibility power, but deciding to get rid of the teleportation because we’ve tried to use it in a story multiple times and it always sucks he doesn’t want to accidentally cause more deaths.

Legion significance: 4/10
Invisible Kid II loses his teleportation. Good riddance.

Silver Age-ness: 0/10
Not really.

Does it stand the test of time? 10/10
In terms of quality it would be much, much lower. But you can place this kind of story in any era and it would work just fine. I can’t believe it took so many attempts to have a competent Invisible Kid solo story!!!

One thought on “Legion of Super-Heroes v3 #19 (Part 2)”

  1. The art is amazing. Just glancing at it, I had assumed it was Laroque until you mentioned it was someone else (I’m not familiar with Patton).

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