Legion of Super-Heroes v3 #20 (Part 2)

Legion of Super-Heroes vol.3 #20 (1986)
“Night of madness”
by Paul Levitz & Keith Giffen

This is a cute little story focusing on Dream Girl and White Witch, which starts with a much-needed scene of the two sisters bonding.
We haven’t had many scenes with them together, a shame since they’re so wildly different (both in personality and looks).

Giffen is going all fanservice with Dream Girl but also experimenting with the White Witch panels; she’s just putting out a fire here, but she looks so creepy!

And I’m not joking about the fanservice. This is technically the Legion’s first full frontal nudity.

I will never get tired of the unnecessary censoring gag.

Then again, after this panel I’m not entirely sure the women of Naltor have nipples, so perhaps there was literally nothing to censor.

So… what exactly IS the benefit of fainting during your visions, Dream Girl?

Unlike other times, where Dream Girl’s vision had only the tiniest link to what actually happens, this time it’s vague enough to be plausible.

Considering this is a setting full of aliens from all over the universe, why exactly is Dream Girl convinced she saw magic monsters and not just, you know, regular aliens?

I’ve always liked this little vignettes. Helps make the Legion universe feel more lived.

White Witch is ALSO convinced this is a magic monster.

I think I understand now why the sisters don’t work together more often.

They do track the monster…


If I read this correctly, Dream Girl was in on the joke and she just faked the prophetic vision. But if that’s the case, should the “I am very confused” balloon have the pink effect of White Witch’s speech? Or is someone else saying it?

Also: nice of them to invite Yondu from the Guardians Of The Galaxy.

Apparently Halloween is not well known in the 30th century, at least to the aliens, because Colossal Boy had to convince everybody else to join.

For a moment I wondered if Dream Girl is THAT much taller than Star Boy, until I figured out that he’s lifting her. Weird position, but I appreciate that she’s wearing a traditional witch’s mask considering her obsession with beauty.

In retrospect, I should’ve posted this on Halloween… I missed it by just four days.
Or I’m 963 years early, depending on your perspective.

Legion significance: 10/31
Harmless fluff.

Silver Age-ness: /
I suppose some of the costumes are a little too goofy, but it fits the theme.

Does it stand the test of time? /
Personally I would’ve preferred the costumes to be only Legion-themed inside jokes (only Colossal Boy falls under the category), but this can be done at any time.

3 thoughts on “Legion of Super-Heroes v3 #20 (Part 2)”

  1. I love Bouncing Boy’s costume, but Colossal Boy is just being lazy here, raiding the closet for his original uniform.

  2. I love it when you or commenter point out details like about Yondu and the Impossible Man! I generally don’t like these little throwaway stories, but this one was kinda fun. And I love the sweet but unknowingly powerful persona of Mysa in this era.

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