House of Mystery #167

House of Mystery #167 (1967)
by Otto Binder & Jim Mooney

This is the first Dial H story written by Otto Binder (it won’t be the last), but don’t expect this to have the same staying power of the Legion.

We begin with a criminal giving himself light-based superpowers, taking a familiar name.

That’s right: this guy predates the more famous(citation needed) Rainbow Raider by thirteen years! He also has way more powers AND his own criminal organization.

You know the drill at this point: Robbie hears about the crime on the radio and transforms into a new hero… a chubby boy that can kind of float.

Yeah, uhm, this is not exactly striking terror into the hearts of criminals.

We’re talking about a superhero that can literally be defeated by a light breeze!!!
Also: in addition to being able to shoot laser beams, the original Rainbow Raider can… shoot mist from his hair (ewww).

This is not the first time Robbie goes up against a supervillain who can use various superpowers. Whether Rainbow Raider makes more sense than Dr. Cyclops or a guy with multiple mummy heads… that’s a tough call.

The ability to drain superpowers feels like cheating, though.

He DEFINITELY needs better goons, though, they can’t even catch a fat kid running!!!

This is one of those time when the H-Dial, for no reason, doesn’t work right away. Is it also mutating Robbie? Because yeesh, that’s some dodgy pose.

You might remember (it’s been a while since it was showcased) that Robbie is a detective genius, and he deduces that Rainbow Raider will be green next time.
Which is important because ¯\_()_/¯

After the embarrassment of Balloon Boy, the next transformation is Muscle Man.
Terrible name, but interesting superpower! He basically has REMOTE PUNCHING.

Ah yes, of course being green gives him the power to immobilize people. It was so obvious!

Honestly, with a better name and a decent costume, Muscle Man could have a successful career.

Especially once he’s hit by the Snyder Ray.

Rainbow Raider could kill him right now, of course, but I admit this is a cool deathtrap.
Also the color does make SOME sense with his power!

However Robbie manages to s-l-o-w-l-y gather enough punching power to get some fresh air.

Robbie’s next transformation is just the second time he re-uses a superhero identity; this time it’s Radar-Sonar Man.

The next Rainbow Raider random superpower is a shrinking ray.
Sure, why not.

I’m guessing the main reason why they never brought back THIS version is that he’s too overpowered.

Eat your heart out, Daredevil, there’s another blind superhero in town!

You’d think this would be the end of Rainbow Raider, but you didn’t consider the other color of the rainbow: invisibility! (???)

Which is completely useless.

I have to wonder: does this kind of thing ever happen to Daredevil?

Historical significance: 0/10

Silver Ageness: 10blue/10

Does it stand the test of time?: 0/10

Dial S for SOCKAMAGEE! : 67
Robbie says it only 2 times, by far the last amount so far.

Dial I for superhero identities: 31
Balloon Boy and Muscle Man

Dial U for most used identity: Radar-Sonar Man ties with Giant Boy; both have appeared twice

Dial C for the superpowers count: 51
Balloon Boy doesn’t add anything to the count, since nearly all of Robbie’s transformation can fly anyway. Muscle Man has an interesting power, which I think can be described as “kinetic energy transfer”.

Interesting letters: at this point basically every issue has a theory on how the H-Dial works.

One thought on “House of Mystery #167”

  1. I read a web serial recently where one of the villains had a similar power to Muscle Man; he could project the sharp edge of a blade an effectively infinite length, which is somewhat similar to projecting kinetic force remotely.

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