Legion of Super-Heroes v3 #28

Legion of Super-Heroes vol.3 #28 (1986)
by Paul Levitz & Greg LaRoque
cover by Steve Lighle

I always like covers that interact with the logo, so having the explosion blow away the DC corner is a nice touch.

We begin on Star Boy’s home planet Xanthu, where the Legion has been summoned to repair a beacon.

Much like Shadow Lass’ planet, Xanthu is one of those places that has an official planetary superhero. Star Boy used to fill that role, but he’s been replaced by someone named Atmos who we haven’t met yet.

I’d complain less about being asked to help and more with whoever decided that FIVE Legionnaires were needed for this, Invisible Kid.

But the beacon is only a cover story, because what Xanthu’s Tribune really wants the Legion to find Atmos. Why couldn’t he just tell them!?

Meanwhile, Dream Girl hurt herself dancing.

You can laugh, but we know dancing can be really dangerous for the Legion ladies!
(I will never get tired of this panel)

Something is definitely off with Dream Girl’s relationship with Star Boy, because even for her standards this is a bit much.

Brainy’s patience for her antics is getting thinner.

Back to Xanthu, it seems they REALLY hype their planetary champion. I would’ve expected a callback to how Earth used to be full of superheroes, though.

Also, Invisible Kid is trying his hardest to outdo Dawnstar in the “sexiest flyer” category.

Looks like Atmos REALLY values his privacy, because his entire base explodes once it detects the Legionnaires as intruders.

Now don’t be too shocked, but Dawnstar’s powers turn out to be nearly useless at tracking Atmos.
Lady, you have ONE JOB in this team!!!

Well you had two, but Invisible Kid can now make your same poses.

But Invisible Kid is not only the eye candy for the ladies this issue, because he stumbles upon some people trying to smuggle weapons to the Khunds.

This results in a brief fight, but of course the smugglers are no match for the Legion.
Did I miss Timber Wolf getting pointy ears in previous issues or it’s a new thing?

Atmos doesn’t really appear in this issue, but we do get a brief glimpse. Interestingly he looks human in this hologram, but we’ll later see he has a very weird anatomy.

Remember a few issues ago when Quislet found Dream Girl was dancing with another man? Apparently that turned into a fight between the two lovers. Sure would’ve been nice to SEE that scene instead of implying it!!!

Still, a nice bonding moment for the sisters.

Invisible Kid continues to be shockingly competent in the investigation.

Meanwhile Dawnstar is flirting with Timber Wolf. This sadly goes nowhere, but you know what? I wouldn’t have minded them as a couple… he REALLY needs a new plot, and she’s an awful person that I wouldn’t wish on poor Wildfire.

The investigation proves that Atmos has left the planet on his own.

Some downtime with Star Boy’s VERY rarely seen parents…

…and yet another chance for Dawnstar to be insufferable. At least she’s polite about it.

As you might have expected, Star Boy ends up being called back to Xanthu since the planet doesn’t have its champion.

So Star Boy officially leaves the Legion. Not sure why he has to do this, it’s not like Superboy was ALWAYS on Earth when he was a member!

A bittersweet ending. And if we actually saw anything going wrong in their relationship, I would even care that she’s sad.

In other plots, the latest recruits bond over their desire to be more useful. Nothing really comes out of this, and it’s a shame Polar Boy is STILL getting sidelined.

Legion significance: 6/10
Almost the introduction of Atmos, who will seem to have a bigger impact on the Legion than he actually will.
As pointed out in the comments this is nearly the last appearance of Star Boy for Volume 3, so I’m bumping up the score from the original 4/10.

Silver Age-ness: 0/10
Not really.

Does it stand the test of time? 5/10
A missed opportunity. This could’ve given us some insight on Xanthu, or go into the drama of Star Boy and Dream Girl’s relationship… but it doesn’t do either, not beyond a very surface level.
Not too much else to say about it.

 We are legion
23 active Legionnaires
8 reserve members
11 deceased members

5 thoughts on “Legion of Super-Heroes v3 #28”

  1. Star Boy’s departure seemed like a major thing at the time; his break-up with Nura was also on par with Ayla’s break-up with Brin. The status quo of the ’60s was changing, and the Legion embraced change in a gradual way. To me, that was one of the strengths of Levitz’s run.

    The seeds of Thom’s departure and deteriorating relationship were planted at least as far back as LSH v.2 # 306. This development didn’t get a whole lot of attention, but it felt like a real situation where two people grow apart. Perhaps we should have seen a blow-up, but that doesn’t strike me as Thom’s style. Leaving as he does, by putting duty above his personal commitments, seems natural.

  2. This is just about the last time we see this incarnation of Star Boy, isn’t it? He’s absent for almost the entire rest of Volume 3 and then he basically doesn’t exist in Volume 4 (from what I’ve read, up to #40).

    The Atmos storyline is also one of the worst things to come out of Legion period, so I can’t say I’m fond of this issue as a whole.

  3. I believe Timber Wolf’s ears only became pointed when he got angry/feral/in combat; the creators were trying to show that he was always struggling with his feral nature, but because he never really got enough panel time, it wasn’t as clear as it could have been.
    Honestly, if Ayla had dropped Brin because she was afraid he might snap at some point, I’d have accepted it better than for the reasons she did give.

  4. On second thought, Star Boy’s exit makes the issue more significant. So I’m increasing the score to a 6/10.

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