The Legion avoided the Crisis longer than any other DC franchise, and arguably will continue to ignore it a little longer even after this.

Legion significance: 10/10
Essential reading for the rest of Volume 3, and arguably for at least half of Volume 4.

Silver Age-ness: 3/10
Exactly like the previous era, there’s still some pre-Crisis nonsense lingering.

Does it stand the test of time? 9/10
There are some parts of it that seem to be stalling for time or looking for a new direction, but when Levitz finds the right inspiration the quality skyrockets. It includes some of the more complex and well-remembered sagas, and the artwork remains stellar right until the very end, when it takes a nosedive in the last two issues.
A fan-favorite of many Legion readers, myself included.

And now, ladies and gentlemen: the Legion Awards!


 Winner: Saturn Girl
If anyone had to upstage the Queen, it HAD to be the original badass Legion girl. She takes a lot to get going, staying behind the scenes for most of the era, only to show up during the Universo Project and stealing the scene FROM THE ENTIRE TEAM.

Runner-up: Sensor Girl
Speaking of the Queen, she really was the star of the first half of this era. From her mystery to the extended flashback of LSH #31, she’s probably the Legionnaire who gets explored the most.
So how did she lose first place? Well, even with all the focus she gets, her actual personality remains a bit of a mystery. She also steals the scene during her own major storyline, but it doesn’t feel as earned as Saturn Girl’s triumphant return.
Sorry Projectra, but at least you retroactively double the positive trophies by adding those I credited to Sensor Girl. That’s enough for you, right?

Third place: Dream Girl
Potentially a controversial pick, she’s not exactly effective as a Legionnaire in this era. But she does show hidden depths several times, from her reaction to losing Star Boy to the surprising bond she establishes with Saturn Girl during the Universo Project.

Honorable mention: Polar Boy
His enthusiasm is just contagious and let’s be honest, he’s gone through SO much underserved crap in the previous eras that he deserves a bonus.


 Winner: Cosmic Boy
Dude… I want to like you, because I know you’ll turn out to be an amazing character in other eras… why do you keep sucking so much!?
Seriously, Cosmic Boy is already the worst of the founders in Legionnaires Three so we’re off to a bad start. But then he completely butchers the incredible opportunity of having his own miniseries!

Runner-up: Lightning Lass
She is just insufferable in this era. Seriously, her romance with Shrinking Violet is cool and all, but does she have to be angry and rude with literally everyone else?

Third place: Dawnstar
I was going to give this to Timber Wolf for not getting a new plot in ages… but then the last issue comes along showing what a terrible match she is for Wildfire.
I’m not saying she owes him a relationship, but at least be honest on whether you have feeling for him or not! The way she’s always alternating between treating him like dirt and flirting is just infuriating.

Dishonorable mention: Star Boy
I feel bad for the guy since he’s clearly depressed. But what an embarrassing way to end his Legion career for the era!


-Superboy: late to the party and TECHNICALLY not really the original, but he does go out with a bang.

-Chameleon Boy: not as spectacular as the others during the Universo Project, but still one of the effective ones.

-Brainiac 5: could’ve been higher if he didn’t let himself be distracted during the Universo Project and if was just a little more logical during the Projectra storyline. Still the guy can’t catch a break, right? Most unlucky Legionnaire besides…

-Mon-El: the story when he seriously risks going back to the Phantom Zone forever is the only spotlight he gets, but what a spotlight!

-Shadow Lass: arguably even more interesting than Mon-El during his own spotlight.

-Quislet: he’s just such a delight whenever he shows up. Too bad he basically only interacts with Wildfire or he’d get at least the Honorary Mention.

-Element Lad: he gets less and less spectacular, but his return to his native world is still awe-inspiring.

She didn’t win Best Legionnaire as Sensor Girl, but her flashback showed how badass she could be even with her original codename.
I always try to avoid giving this award to a Legionnaire that already receives another one, but the Queen deserved this one.

She’s FAR more useful than Cosmic Boy and she’s basically a Legionnaire in everything but name at this point. Considering the Subs have been disbanded in this era, is the Legion ever going to ask her to join?

Who could it possibly be?


 Winner: Universo
He’s arguably little more than a moustache-twirling stereotype, but few Legion villains came THIS close to victory in such a spectacular fashion.

Runner-up: Time Trapper
If only his motives and plans were just a little less vague he’d be even higher.

Third place: Emerald Empress
She already demonstrated she had everything to be a major villain on her own, and while her New Fatal Five mostly suck she’s still a very charismatic and dangerous opponent.

Honorable mention: Zymyr
This little bastard would probably qualify as a decent threat on his own if he wasn’t working for Universo.


 Winner: Mordru
Oh for f##k’s sake, can you please not suck JUST ONCE!?!?

Runner-up: Darkseid
The first time he shows up against the Legion, it’s one of the defining moments of their entire history and arguably their best storyline ever.
The SECOND time he shows up, it’s to reverse the curse that created Validus because Saturn Girl says please? In addition to being underwhelming, it also removes Validus from the series!

Third place: Flare and Caress, tie
These two new members of the Fatal Five just pale in comparison to the originals. Flare has an interesting design when she’s on fire so she’s SLIGHTLY better than this Mano wannabe, but not enough to get any higher.

Dishonorable mention: Black Mace
Be honest: did you even remember he was the villain in the flashback issue of Projectra?
This guy is like the Persuader if he had a vastly less interesting weapon and wasn’t intimidating in the slightest.


Winner: Legion of Super-Heroes v3 #32 to #35
I’m putting together the entire Universo Project, otherwise it would get the entire podium.

Runner-up: Legion of Super-Heroes v3 31
The flashback issue really makes you nostalgic for the old era, not to mention wishing Ferro Lad got more stories.

Third place: Legion of Super-Heroes v3 23
Mon-El’s despair really comes through, and the final solution on how to cure him is simple yet brilliant.

Honorable mention: Legion of Super-Heroes v3 #27
Element Lad’s scenes on his dead planet still give me chills.


Winner: Action Comics 591
The explanation on how we can still have Silver Age stuff around, thanks to the Pocket Universe.

Runner-up: Legionnaires Three #1
The complete reconstruction of the Time Trapper as a character. Without this, most of Volume 3 and arguably Volume 4 would not exist.

Third place: Legion of Super-Heroes v3 #29
Even if I don’t particularly care for the new Starfinger, he’s still a plot that will linger for quite a while.

Honorable mention: Booster Gold #8-9
While Booster Gold barely EVER interacts with the Legion, he’s indirectly the most influential legacy they have on the 20th century.


 Winner: Cosmic Boy #1 to #3
Once again, grouped together to avoid taking the entire podium. Although I’m saving #4 because it’s not nearly as bad as the others, although it might be my love for the Time Trapper speaking.

Runner-up: Legion of Super-Heroes v3 Annual #2
I wasn’t a fan of the Validus retcon to begin with; the resolution is underwhelming to say the least. Plus it removes my second favorite villain from the rogues gallery! 

Third place: Legion of Super-Heroes v3 #24 (Part 2)
From a technical standpoint a worse story than the previous two, that at least are ARE stories and not a rehash of a plot that has already ended like five times already. But it’s FAR shorter than the Cosmic Boy miniseries and doesn’t do the lasting damage of the Annual.

Dishonorable mention: Secret Origins #8
It’s not THAT bad of a story, but a huge loss of opportunity. Out of all the Legion origins Shadow Lass has the most potential, why focus on the least interesting parts of her story?




The Super Moby Dick Of Space can be really scary!!!

No wonder Dawnstar doesn’t get along with the other Legion girls, she’s the only one who can dance!


Cosmic Boy looks like he has no idea why he’s in his own comic.




BEST DOUBLE SPLASH PAGE (and best funeral)

The Legion’s first full frontal nudity? Well I suppose Tellus is always naked.







I kind of wish this was her regular costume.

HALL OF FAME (combining all eras)

8 good trophies
-Saturn Girl regains the crown: 5 good trophies (including an impressive Best Legionnaire FOUR TIMES, plus Third Place once and one Best Costume) and three participation trophies. Just one negative trophy, Worst Legionnaire third place.
-Bouncing Boy remains right behind her, despite having only participation trophies.

7 good trophies
-Princess Projectra: considering she also has the Sensor Girl trophies, she ties with Saturn Girl with 5 good trophies and one bad trophy, Worst Costume. However she has only 2 participation trophies.
-Shrinking Violet: she doesn’t do anything impressive in this era, so she lags behind with 3 good trophies and four participation. But no bad trophies, which puts her above…
-Duo Damsel: exactly the same as Violet, but she got Worst Legionnaire Third Place once.

HALL OF INFAMY (combining all eras)

5 bad trophies
-Lightning Lass surpasses Tyroc! She does have 1 participation trophy and 1 good one (Most Improved), but a depressing 5 bad trophies (1 Worst Legionnaire, 3 Worst Legionnaire runner-up, 1 Worst Legionnaire dishonorable mention).

4 bad trophies
-Tyroc: Worst New Legionnaire, Worst New Costume, 2 Worst Legionnaire Third Place. No good or participation trophies.

2 thoughts on “LEGION AWARDS: VOLUME 3, Post-Crisis”

  1. Why can’t you review stories without profanity? It’s not necessary and otherwise you do an excellent job.

    1. For emphasis and comedy; it’s funnier to me this way. Perhaps not to everybody, but that’s my style. Besides, every swear word is always censored.

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