Doom Patrol #103 (Part 1)

Doom Patrol #103 (1966)
by Arnold Drake & Bruno Premiani
cover by Bob Brown

After their team-ups with the Challengers Of The Unknown and Flash, the Doom Patrol returns to their usual business: fighting weird monsters.

The teaser page starts in the middle of the action, with the Doom Patrol already fighting Meteor Man in space!
Although if he’s still in space, shouldn’t he be Asteroid Man?

That’s the introduction to a flashback on how the Doom Patrol found themselves in that situation, agreeing to help a germaphobe scientist.
Also, couldn’t they have given Negative Man a full helmet? That breathing apparatus looks like a clown’s nose over his bandages!

Unfortunately, even in outer space they can’t escape the one character that keeps stalking the team.

Negative Man is understandably a bit nervous about going into space, since an orbital flight is part of his origin story.
Kindly of clunky exposition, though… “You are worried because this reminds you of your terrible accident, and as a friend I should remind you how awful that was for you”.

But come on, this is a space flight. It’s not like anyone would forget to adequately protect it against space radiation.

The Doom Patrol does a fine job analyzing the meteor they’re chasing…

…but the scientist seems to be going through a comedy routine.

Seriously, this guy is so clumsy it’s not even funny.

So naturally he gets a dose of meteor rays.

Which naturally turns him into a rock monster.

As if having a rampaging monster on your space ship wasn’t enough, he’s also growing by absorbing any metal near him.

And that’s how we return to the beginning of the story, with Meteor Man flying out of the rocket.

Robotman uses his own body to plug the hole, but it’s hardly the best fix.

This is officially the worst handled space mission ever, because there’s even a stowaway.

I’m sure they’re all appreciating having to spend the last moments of their lives with Mento.

At least Beast Boy helps, by making sure Robotman still blocks that hole.

What’s worse: Beast Boy transforming into an elephant with hair, or this face?

Meanwhile on Earth, Meteor Man is spreading destruction.
Can you imagine how awesome would have been to have Premiani drawing the various monsters from Marvel’s pre-Fantastic Four days?

How does this guys still have a cold? He’s made of metal and ON FIRE!!!

The Doom Patrol manages to land the rocket off-panel, which is a testament to Negative Man’s piloting skills considered it has a massive hole in its hull and there’s an elephant on board!!

Also, next time you have a fever, be thankful it’s not a FOUR THOUSAND DEGREES fever.

But there’s still hope for the guy. Good reveal.

So, uhm, did Chief just happen to have a supply of Carbon Dioxide Foam Bombs ready?

I’m shocked that regular foam is not able to beat a FOUR THOUSAND DEGREES fire.

Meanwhile Elasti-Girl is digging a hole, and Mento is being an ass.
What’s even the point of having telekinesis if he still needs machinery???

The plan is to trick Meteor Man into falling into the hole and then cover it up.

I cannot comprehend how the letters page has people actually rooting for Mento.

That was an interesting effort, but Meteor Man is still not down.

Also I’m pretty sure a silicon deposit would just melt, especially at 4000°F, but there’s definitely other stuff in there so THIS TIME ALONE I’m willing to cut Mento some slack.

I think we can safely call this one the most resistant germ EVER.

The next plan requires Negative Man to recover something from Mento’s mansion, which ends up discouraging a new maid.

Maybe you should have tried creating a barrier on the ship instead of shoving Robotman into a hole!!!

The device brought by Negative Man is a Psycho-Energizer™ that allows Mento to push his powers more than usual…

…because the solution was simply to lift Meteor Man off the ground.
Wait, what?

If losing connection to the Earth turns him back human, shouldn’t this have happened when he left the ship??? He wasn’t in contact with ANYTHING until he landed!!!

This guy is ALMOST as annoying as Mento.

And in case you didn’t notice, I’m not exactly the biggest Mento fan.

Historical significance: 0/10
Last appearance of Meteor Man. But I bet his germs are still very much alive.

Silver Age-ness: 10/10
From the proud tradition of “space radiation is magic”.

Does it stand the test of time? 2/10
This was rough. Some bright spots in the artwork here and there, especially the destruction and the reveal that the monster still has a mind… but that’s about it.
Despite the horror potential, I can’t take Meteor Man seriously when he’s just a sneezing professor.
And as mentioned the conclusion is incredibly unsatisfying.

 Times Robotman has been damaged: 15

Issues when Robotman is never damaged: 13
One of the panels makes it look as if his foot is melting, but he’s fine immediately afterwards so I’m assuming it was JUST the rocks melting and not him. Somehow.

Interesting letters: “Nerve Nut” would be perfect for a Legion audition!

3 thoughts on “Doom Patrol #103 (Part 1)”

  1. This would have been the perfect issue to bring back Mr. 103.

    My guess is the monster is called Meteor Man rather than the more accurate Pain-in-the-Asteroid Man because alliteration trumps accuracy.

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