Doom Patrol #103 (Part 2)

Doom Patrol #103 (1966)
by Arnold Drake & Bruno Premiani

I’m guessing Robotman was the breakout star of the series, because his adventures are STILL ongoing as the backup feature.

Since it’s been a while, remember that this serial is set BEFORE Robotman joins the Doom Patrol.
And he’s done PLENTY of stuff to be considered a criminal!

With nowhere to go, he decides to look for his brother. This is the first time we know he HAS family.

It might sound weird that he’s never mentioned a brother, but as you can see they’re not close.

In stark contrast, his brother’s wife doesn’t care that he’s a robot OR that he’s a wanted man!

There may be something more to it, though, since Robotman finds a couple of suspicious guys outside the house.

I’m no car expert, but I’m pretty sure there’s easier ways to steal a car without the keys.

Robotman’s brother is an engineer at a factory that employs THE WORST SECURITY EVER.

But yeah, this is just a place that builds EXPERIMENTAL BOMBERS, it’s not like it would need extra security.

Guys, I think Robotman’s brother is working for the pre-Crisis version of Lexcorp.

With all that stuff worth billions of dollars… possibly even in 1966 dollars… the criminals just want jetpacks.
Sounds legit.

And yes, they were threatening the brother’s wife.

This looks like a job for… someone other than Robotman.

I found the premise of this serial a bit sketchy: Robotman is not supposed to learn Chief was the scientist who put him in a robot’s body until he joins the Doom Patrol.
Up to this point Robotman had SOME excuse… but now the police spreads the news in order to catch him!

Also: at the beginning of the series, Robotman didn’t even know Chief’s real name.
So up to this point he has personally met Chief AND he knows that Niles Caulder is the guy behind the brain transplant… but he’s never tried to look for a picture of what he looks like?
The premise is growing thinner with each chapter.

By using the jetpacks, the criminals are apparently unstoppable.

Especially with Robotman helping them! I know his brother’s wife is a hostage, but COME ON!!!

Can you blame Lieutenant Derby here for being after Robotman first?

Someone please check if they’ve reset Robotman’s brain to “evil maniac” A SECOND TIME.

Well what do you know, the criminals DID take the other weapon after all.

But even with several holes in his chest Robotman is pretty much unstoppable.

Robotman then plans to ambush Chief, not knowing that he’s the target of an ambush himself.

Thankfully Chief has a creative way to warn Robotman.

And so we end with Robotman being repaired by his brother…

…and I’m pretty sure Inspector Derby doesn’t even know Robotman is just a dude.

Where did they get that guy???

Historical significance: 3/10
First appearance of Robotman’s brother. I don’t think we see him again in the original run, though.

Silver Age-ness: 10/10
Unless it’s an outright comedy, you cannot do a scene with a guy sneaking into a weapons factory THAT EASILY in any other time!

 Does it stand the test of time? 4/10
As it’s happening with disappointing frequency, Premiani’s artwork is nearly the only saving grace. And like I said I get behind the premise less and less. Still, Robotman’s first scene is quite powerful… in fact I kindly would prefer if his brother DID hate him, it would make for better angst.

Times Robotman has been damaged: 16
Somehow he managed to wreck his body even before his first Doom Patrol adventure!

Issues when Robotman is never damaged: 12
To clarify, whenever he’s damaged in the second part of the issue, the count goes down if it went up in the first part..

One thought on “Doom Patrol #103 (Part 2)”

  1. Maybe when Caulder eventually fixes Cliff’s brain connections it’s traumatic enough for Cliff to forget the previous few days? “Convenient Amnesia: A Comicbook Staple Since the Golden Age!”

    Unfortunately, I’ve got nothing to deal with the criminal charges coming Cliff’s way for his rampage.

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