Doctor Doom Retrospective

A review of ALL the appearances of Doctor Doom, in chronological order.

What If?

Appendix: Silver Age cameos
Appendix: Silver Age continuity inserts
World’s Greatest Comics Magazine #1-4
World’s Greatest Comics Magazine #5-8
World’s Greatest Comics Magazine #9-12
Appendix: 80s cameos

Appendix: Doom’s origins

Superman vs Spider-Man

Number of superheroes who have fought Dr. Doom: 132
Times Doctor Doom has tried to destroy the Fantastic Four: 59
Times Doctor Doom has tried to conquer the world:  29

Supervillains created by Doom: 20
Times Doom has saved the world: 19
Times Latveria has been conquered: 12
Times Doctor Doom has gained ultimate power: 13
Times Doom has tried to save his mother from Hell: 9 (until he succeeded)
Times Doctor Doom has taken over the world: 4
Times Doctor Doom has been arrested: 2
Times Doctor Doom has died for real: 2
Superhero teams Doom has joined: 1
(the Future Foundation)
Universes created by Doctor Doom: 1