Doctor Doom’s 80s cameos

There aren’t that many cameos published in this era… when Doom shows up, he REALLY shows up.
But there are exceptions.

by Denny O’Neil & Frank Miller

It might be unusual to consider this a cameo, since Doom is technically the main antagonist, but he doesn’t meet the heroes and doesn’t show up much.

This is a GREAT story, particularly on the artwork… Frank Miller is just on fire, and I don’t think he ever draws Doctor Doom again.

The portrayal of Doom is a bit goofy, though, having him followed by a sniveling henchman dressed… well… like that.

The henchman is rewarded by being the subject of “the Bend Sinister”, which is… something to do with Dormammu’s magic, I think.

This is a somewhat controversial portrayal of Doom, though, since we have a scene of him studying Nazis.

This is slightly less problematic than the Invaders stuff: Doom is just saying he’s studying Hitler, not that he’s admiring him or anything. Which ALMOST works, but I would’ve preferred to avoid this kind of thing. That’s what Red Skull is for!!!

Interestingly, Dormammu seems to treat Doom remarkably well.

I won’t go through the story itself, but seriously, check this one out if you haven’t. It’s one of the best Spider-Man / Doctor Strange team-ups out there.

Doctor Strange does fight Doom’s magical henchman, though, so he gets added to the list of heroes.

Too bad Frank Miller didn’t get to draw more Doctor Doom in his prime.
But I definitely, DEFINITELY don’t want today’s Miller anywhere near Doom.

MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE #96 (1982)
by Tom DeFalco & Ron Wilson

This is the issue where EVERYONE shows up to support the Thing while he’s in the hospital, after defeating Champion Of The Universe.

It’s a bit silly, I believe intentionally.

Doom’s cameo is only notable because it’s rather late to see Latveria described as being “in the Bavarian alps” at this point.

DOCTOR STRANGE  #57 (1982)
by Roger Stern # Kevin Nowlan

If you’ve read Fantastic Four #258, you’ve read this cameo. Quite literally, as it recycles the same exact dialogue.

Nothing much to say. You should definitely check out Roger Stern’s run of Doctor Strange, though, it’s reeeeally good.
Then again it’s Roger Stern, of course it’s good.

SECRET WARS II #7 (1985)
by Jim Shooter & Al Milgrom


Remember how Doctor Doom was among the most important characters in Secret Wars?
In Secret Wars II, he ONLY shows up in a single panel… where Mephisto powers up every single supervillain on the planet to attack the Beyonder and the Thing has to defeat all of them.

Like I said: crap.

FANTASTIC FOUR #300 (1987)
by Roger Stern & Sal Buscema

I didn’t plan for it, but by going in chronological order… the last cameo is THE best Doctor Doom cameo of all time.

This is the issue where the Human Torch marries Lyja the Skrull Alicia Masters, and Doctor Doom is promptly informed.

That’s not why this is the best Doom cameo. No, the reason is in the very last page, where the Fantastic Four receive a package.

While I do wonder how Susan recognizes Doom’s handwriting (Reed definitely would, but how would SHE know!?)… the absolute genius of the moment is the last panel:

And there you have it: the very best possible Doctor Doom cameo is him sending flowers as a death threat.

Obviously not going through the usual categories… with one exception:

Number of superheroes who have fought Dr. Doom: 64
Adding Doctor Strange.


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