This is the list of all the superheroes who have fought Doctor Doom in the issues covered by the retrospective so far.
A few ground rules:
1) The story is in continuity. Sadly this leaves out Superman and Santa Claus.
2) Doctor Doom has to fight the hero, not simply meet him. Fighting a Doombot or one of Doom’s minions still counts.
3) It goes without saying, but it has to be a superhero. Anti-heroes and vigilantes will probably make the cut, but people like Nick Fury are not included.
# | Hero | Issue | Era |
1 | Mr. Fantastic | Fantastic Four #5 | 60s |
2 | Thing | Fantastic Four #5 | 60s |
3 | Invisible Girl | Fantastic Four #5 | 60s |
4 | Human Torch | Fantastic Four #5 | 60s |
5 | Hank Pym | Fantastic Four 16 | 60s |
6 | Spider-Man | Amazing Spider-Man 5 | 60s |
7 | Wasp | Avengers #1.5, chronologically SVTU #9 | 60s (continuity insert) |
8 | Thor | Avengers #1.5, chronologically Thor #182 | 60s (continuity insert) |
9 | Iron Man | Avengers #1.5, chronologically SVTU #9 | 60s (continuity insert) |
10 | Hulk | Avengers #1.5, chronologically Hulk #143 | 60s (continuity insert) |
11 | Daredevil | Fantastic Four 39 | 60s |
12 | Captain America | Avengers 25 | 60s |
13 | Hawkeye | Avengers 25 | 60s |
14 | Scarlet Witch | Avengers 25 | 60s |
15 | Quicksilver | Avengers 25 | 60s |
16 | Silver Surfer | Fantastic Four 57 | 60s |
17 | Crystal | Fantastic Four 84 | 60s |
18 | Namor | Sub-Mariner #20 | 70s |
19 | Black Panther | Astonishing Tales #6 | 70s |
20 | Luke Cage | Hero for Hire #8 | 70s |
21 | Medusa | Fantastic Four #143 | 70s |
22 | Shroud | Super-Villain Team-Up #7 | 70s |
23 | Vision | Super-Villain Team-Up #9 | 70s |
24 | Namorita | Super-Villain Team-Up #9 | 70s |
25 | Beast | Avengers #156 | 70s |
26 | Wonder Man | Avengers #156 | 70s |
27 | Ghost Rider | Champions #16 | 70s |
28 | Shang-Chi | Master Of Kung Fu #60 | 70s |
29 | Cyclops | WGCM #11, chronologically Secret Wars #11 | 70s (continuity insert) |
30 | Jean Grey | WGCM #11, chronologically Fantastic Four #312 | 70s (continuity insert) |
31 | Havok | WGCM #11 | 70s (continuity insert) |
32 | Polaris | WGCM #11 | 70s (continuity insert) |
33 | Professor X | WGCM #11, chronologically Secret Wars #11 | 70s (continuity insert) |
34 | Black Bolt | WGCM #12, chronologically Fantastic Four #375 | 70s (continuity insert) |
35 | Karnak | WGCM #12, chronologically Daredevil #278 | 70s (continuity insert) |
36 | Gorgon | WGCM #12, chronologically Daredevil #278 | 70s (continuity insert) |
37 | Triton | WGCM #12, chronologically Fantastic Four #375 | 70s (continuity insert) |
38 | Blade | Blade v5 #2 | Continuity insert |
39 | Dazzler | Dazzler #3 | 80s |
40 | Storm | Uncanny X-Men #145 | 80s |
41 | Colossus | Uncanny X-Men #145 | 80s |
42 | Wolverine | Uncanny X-Men #145 | 80s |
43 | Nightcrawler | Uncanny X-Men #145 | 80s |
44 | Angel | Uncanny X-Men #145 | 80s |
45 | Acroyear | Micronauts #41 | 80s |
46 | Arcturus Rann | Micronauts #41 | 80s |
47 | Bug | Micronauts #41 | 80s |
48 | Devil | Micronauts #41 | 80s |
59 | Marionette | Micronauts #41 | 80s |
50 | Captain Marvel II | Secret Wars #10 | 80s |
51 | Spider-Woman II | Secret Wars #11 | 80s |
52 | Rogue | Secret Wars #11 | 80s |
53 | War Machine | Secret Wars #11 | 80s |
54 | She-Hulk | Secret Wars #11 | 80s |
55 | Tigra | Emperor Doom | 80s |
56 | Mockingbird | Emperor Doom | 80s |
57 | Starfox | Emperor Doom | 80s |
58 | Machine Man | Emperor Doom | 80s |
59 | Cloak | Cloak & Dagger #10 | 80s |
60 | Dagger | Cloak & Dagger #10 | 80s |
61 | She-Thing | Fantastic Four #311 | 80s |
62 | Iceman | Fantastic Four #312 | 80s |
63 | Hercules | Thor #409 | 80s |
64 | Doctor Strange | Amazing Spider-Man Annual #14 | 80s |
65 | Quasar | Avengers #311 | 80s |
66 | Punisher | Punisher #28 | 80s |
67 | Alex Power | Power Pack #53 | 80s |
68 | Jack Power | Power Pack #53 | 80s |
69 | Julie Power | Power Pack #53 | 80s |
70 | Katie Power | Power Pack #53 | 80s |
71 | Sandman | Avengers #332 | 90s |
72 | Rage | Avengers #333 | 90s |
73 | Kitty Pride | Excalibur #37 | 90s |
74 | Captain Britain | Excalibur #37 | 90s |
75 | Rachel Summers | Excalibur #37 | 90s |
76 | Meggan | Excalibur #37 | 90s |
77 | Squirrel Girl | Marvel Super-Heroes #8 | 90s |
78 | Ghost Rider II | Marvel Comics Presents #100 | 90s |
79 | Moon Knight | Moon Knight #39 | 90s |
80 | Adam Warlock | Infinity War #5 | 90s |
81 | Lyja | Fantastic Four #375 | 90s |
82 | Psi-Lord | Fantastic Four #381 | 90s |
83 | Deathlok II | Deathlok #2 | 90s |
84 | Misty Knight | Deathlok #2 | 90s |
85 | Forge | Deathlok #2 | 90s |
86 | Coldblood | Deathlok #3 | 90s |
87 | Jubilee | Deathlok #5 | 90s |
88 | Nova | Nova v2 #11 | 90s |
89 | Ant-Man II | Nova v2 #11 | 90s |
90 | Cable | Cable #63 | 90s |
91 | Gambit | Gambit vol.3 #12 | 90s |
92 | Bucky (Rikki) | Thunderbolts #52 | 2000s |
93 | Toro II | Thunderbolts #52 | 2000s |
94 | Speedball | Penance: Relentless#4 | 2000s |
95 | Ares | Mighty Avengers #9 | 2000s |
96 | Black Widow | Mighty Avengers #9 | 2000s |
97 | Captain Marvel III | Mighty Avengers #9 | 2000s |
98 | Sentry | Mighty Avengers #9 | 2000s |
99 | Doctor Voodoo | Doctor Voodoo #1 | 2000s |
100 | M | X-Factor #202 | 2000s |
101 | Shatterstar | X-Factor #202 | 2000s |
102 | Shuri | Doomwar #1 | 2010s |
103 | Psylocke | Doomwar #1 | 2010s |
104 | Deadpool | Doomwar #4 | 2010s |
105 | Skaar | Incredible Hulk #606 | 2010s |
106 | Wiccan | Avengers: Children's Crusade #3 | 2010s |
107 | Hulkling | Avengers: Children's Crusade #4 | 2010s |
108 | Stature | Avengers: Children's Crusade #4 | 2010s |
109 | Speed | Avengers: Children's Crusade #4 | 2010s |
110 | Kate Bishop | Avengers: Children's Crusade #4 | 2010s |
111 | Patriot | Avengers: Children's Crusade #4 | 2010s |
112 | Iron Lad | Avengers: Children's Crusade #4 | 2010s |
113 | Madrox | Avengers: Children's Crusade #8 | 2010s |
114 | Strong Guy | Avengers: Children's Crusade #8 | 2010s |
115 | Rictor | Avengers: Children's Crusade #8 | 2010s |
116 | Winter Soldier | Winter Soldier #3 | 2010s |
117 | Miss Thing | F.F. #7-16 | 2010s |
118 | Ahura | F.F. #7-16 | 2010s |
119 | Dragon Man | F.F. #7-16 | 2010s |
120 | Dakor | F.F. #7-16 | 2010s |
121 | Old Human Torch | F.F. #7-16 | 2010s |
122 | Emma Frost | A+X #17 | 2010s |
123 | Celeste Cuckoo | A+X #17 | 2010s |
124 | Mindee Cuckoo | A+X #17 | 2010s |
125 | Phoebe Cuckoo | A+X #17 | 2010s |
126 | Z'Cann (Cadre K) | A+X #17 | 2010s |
127 | Fiz (Cadre K) | A+X #17 | 2010s |
128 | Nuro (Cadre K) | A+X #17 | 2010s |
129 | R'tee (Cadre K) | A+X #17 | 2010s |
130 | Spunje (Cadre K) | A+X #17 | 2010s |
131 | Goroth (Cadre K) | A+X #17 | 2010s |
132 | Hellcat | She-Hulk vol3 #3 | 2010s |