Legion v3 members

This is the complete list of Legion members at the time of the latest issue of the retrospective that I have reviewed.
NOTE: this does not include the 5YL era.


Member #LegionnaireJoinsCurrent status
1Lightning LadAdventure Comics 247Reserve
2Saturn GirlAdventure Comics 247Active
3Cosmic BoyAdventure Comics 247Reserve
4SuperboyAdventure Comics 247Dead
5Chameleon BoyAction Comics 267Active
6Colossal BoyAction Comics 267Sick leave
7Invisible KidAction Comics 267Dead
8Star BoyAction Comics #282Reserve
9Phantom GirlAction Comics 276Active
10Duo DamselAction Comics 276Reserve
11SupergirlAction Comics 276Dead
12Brainiac 5Action Comics 276Resigned
13Sun BoyAction Comics 276Active
14Bouncing BoyAction Comics 276Reserve
15Shrinking VioletAction Comics 276Active
16Ultra BoySuperboy 98Active
17Mon-ElAdventure Comics 300Dead
18Matter-Eater LadAdventure Comics 303Reserve
19Element LadAdventure Comics 307Active
20Lightning LassAdventure Comics 308Active
21Elastic LadAdventure Comics 307Dead
22Dream GirlAdventure Comics 317Active
23Command KidAdventure Comics 328Resigned
24Dynamo BoyAdventure Comics 330Dead
25Kid PsychoSuperboy 125Dead
26Sensor GirlAdventure Comics 346Active
27Nemesis KidAdventure Comics 346Dead
28Ferro LadAdventure Comics 346Dead
29Karate KidAdventure Comics 346Dead
30Insect QueenAdventure Comics #355Dead
31Rond VidarAdventure Comics #360Resigned
32Shadow LassAdventure Comics #366Resigned
33Pete Rossbefore Adventure Comics #370Dead
34Timber WolfAdventure Comics 327Active
35Chemical KingAdventure Comics #372Dead
36WildfireSuperboy 202Active
37TyrocSuperboy 218Resigned
38DawnstarSuperboy & the LSH 226Active
39BlokLegion of Super-Heroes vol2 #272Active
40Invisible Kid IILegion of Super-Heroes Annual #1Active
41White WitchLegion of Super-Heroes #294Resigned
42Magnetic KidLegion of Super-Heroes v3 #14Dead
43TellusLegion of Super-Heroes v3 #14Active
44Polar BoyLegion of Super-Heroes v3 #14Active
45QuisletLegion of Super-Heroes v3 #14Resigned