Jimmy Olsen 40

by Otto Binder & Curt Swan

It was only a matter of time before the powers would start the be repeated: here’s another story where Jimmy Olsen becomes invisible.

It’s Jimmy’s birthday party, attended by all of his colleagues.
Yes, I am convinced that the entire Daily Planet staff consists of 4 people.

Even Superman shows up, with the birthday present of superpowers for a day!
Because apparently the 22 powers he’s already had were not enough.

Except something goes wrong, and Superman turns Jimmy invisible.

Superman is uncharacteristically angry at himself for this.

Perry’s reaction says it all.

To make up for his mistake, Superman helps Jimmy get a few scoops, such as him tearing down a wall…

…and witnessing a secret ceremony between magicians.

Another slow day for news, I see.
Except… both the story and the pictures become invisible after Jimmy touches them.

It seems everything touched by Jimmy becomes invisible. Including his money!

The invisibility also ruins his date with Lucy. I don’t really get the idea that everything is ruined because people think she’s dancing alone… can’t she just have them meet Jimmy? He can talk!
Though I do understand that having her clothes turn invisible when Jimmy touches her can be really, REALLY awkward in public.

Well at least Jimmy can win a prize in a TV game show!

That must be one of the lamest game shows ever.

I don’t get why Jimmy complains about the prize… yes, you can’t use the mirror, but you can SELL it!!!

Jimmy also gets an assignment to cover an important scoop…

…which he blows. Because of course he does.

This is really the last straw for Perry White.

Jimmy then gets abducted by the criminal he accidentally helped get away with murder, who is convinced that all of this was just a scheme from Superman to get him.

And of course he’s absolutely right.

So yes, Superman put Jimmy through all of this to solve a case in the most complicated way possible.

With friends like these…

Let’s move to the second story, a rare instance of Jimmy bothering Supergirl instead of Superman.

We start with Jimmy investigating a sideshow, planning to expose the entire thing as a fraud.

Jimmy is afraid that “Colonel Colby” might try to get him, but he’s ready to set up a trap at his home with one of the souvenirs from Superman… TEAR GAS.

I’m preeeetty sure that’s a crime, Jimmy.

Too bad Jimmy can’t be trusted holding ANYTHING.

Now blind, Jimmy is kidnapped by the Colonel and SHOVED DOWN A BRIDGE.

Jimmy uses his signal-watch to call for Superman, but since he’s busy on a mission, it’s Supergirl who shows up!

At the time the existence of Supergirl was a secret to everyone except Superman, but she decides to reveal the truth to Jimmy.

Supergirl tells Jimmy about her origin, but he doesn’t believe her: he thinks that this is all just an hoax from the Colonel to get Jimmy fired.

So Supergirl decides to prove that she’s telling the truth. So… you have to demonstrate to a blind person that you have superpowers. How do you do it?

Counting his pocket money doesn’t work.

Flying doesn’t work. Neither does taking him to the desert…

…or to the North Pole.

Jimmy won’t trust anything Supergirl tells him, so he gives her a test…

…but then doesn’t believe her answer.
Why give her the test in the first place!?

Supergirl is FINALLY able to convince him, by proving her hair is indestructible.

…but then she has to get rid of the scissors to prevent an accident at a nearby rodeo…

…which convinces Jimmy that it’s still just a hoax.

Luckily for Supergirl, she hears Superman is back from his mission and leaves him to deal with Jimmy.

And it’s the last page, so let’s close the Colonel’s plot as well.

Things must’ve been reeeally awkward between Supergirl and Jimmy after her existence is revealed to the world…


Historical significance: 0/10
Completely forgotten. Unless we believe the second story is the reason Supergirl rarely interacts with Jimmy…

 Silver Age-ness: 4/10
Nothing too silly considering the period.

 Does it stand the test of time? 3/10
Neither story is particularly stupid or offensive… but Superman’s way to manipulate his “pal” to solve a crime in a ridiculous way, or Jimmy’s excuses for Supergirl, haven’t aged very well.

 Stupid Jimmy Olsen moment
You would think Jimmy would be careful about what he touches after he discovers his invisibility touch… if you didn’t know Jimmy Olsen. In the second story, he goes through unbelievable explanations to justify his idea that Supergirl isn’t real.

 Superpower count: 23
Jimmy has been invisible before, but I’m adding “invisibility touch” since it’s not something he could do last time.