Action Comics 336

ACTION COMICS 336 (1966)
by Otto Binder & Jim Mooney

Just in case you were wondering if this was going to be weirder than the first part, this comic gives you the answer right away.

After wasting two pages recapping the first part, Supergirl asks her cousin to help.


No worry: the Fortress of Solitude has the faces of Superman and Supergirl nailed to the wall. (WTF!?)

Somehow I doubt that plastic surgeons allow volunteer nurses to assist during surgery. Just a hunch.

Supergirl is taking this hard.

Also it turns out that the bad guy from last issue has escaped from prison and is STILL obsessed with ruining her looks.

But that’ll have to wait because SUDDEN COLLIDING PLANETS!!!

I love that they are specifically calling Supergirl. They must know that Superman would f#ck this up somehow.

She avoids the collision by throwing a mountain at Bizarro-World. (!!!!)
I would question why that would have ANY effect on a planet, but Bizarro-World already gives the middle finger to physics and logic, so why bother?

Sure let’s create a duplicate of Supergirl AGAIN, the attempt with Red Kryptonite was so successful!

The Silver Age sure loved the idea of imperfect Bizarros being too perfect.

Bizarro-Supergirl is as dumb as you would expect.

Which naturally means that Bizarro-Supergirl is the one to get back to Earth first.

Not that this goes anywhere, mind you: Bizarro-Supergirl just leaves and is never seen again!

Meanwhile Supergirl is busy trying to turn down Dick.

And the story is bored with the idea of Supergirl being ugly, because that plot point just ends.

Well okay, technically last issue’s bad guy took care of it because he had a change of heart, but come on.

“groan” indeed.

Historical significance: 0/10
If possible it’s even less significant than the first part!

Silver Age-ness: 10/10
It has Bizarro-World, so it’s automatic.

 Does it stand the test of time? 0/10
Admittedly this one has less problematic moments than the first part, but that translates to being rather boring.

Interesting letters: the Marvel-DC rivalry is in full effect. Pretty weird to see someone say that Marvel is the one that follows the trends set by DC, while in reality it was the complete opposite in the following decades!

Also: you criticize Marvel for serialization in the letters page of Supergirl, which was one of the earliest features to get serialized?

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