Hall of infamy & fame


HIGHEST “Silver-Ageness” SCORE (obviously not to be taken seriously)

The scale breakers:
5∞/10 (yes that is a score of five times infinity out of ten) four times; Metal Men #20Superboy #111World’s Finest #215 and Wanderers #12-13
(four times infinity out of ten) five times, Lois Lane #137 , Superboy #106 ,Wonder Woman #157 and World’s Finest #246 and Superman #173
∞/10 (three times infinity out of ten) twice, Jimmy Olsen #117 and #139
(two times infinity out of ten) four times, Lois Lane #79#111 and #117 plus Superman Family #178
∞/10 eight times for DC, Superboy #101 , Lois Lane #59 , Jimmy Olsen #101, Karate Kid #2 and #11, Metal Men #18Flash #286 and Superman #173 . Just twice for Marvel, Marvel Super-Heroes #8 and Iron Man #54
(half infinity out of ten) once, Crack Comics #1. No, it doesn’t make sense in context either.

The “somewhat sane” ones:

Villain origins: 101,000,000/1 (Green Lantern #24, the “Invisible yellow aura” story)
World’s Finest: 2222 #173
Dazzler: 1,000/10 Dazzler #10-11
Supergirl: 30/10
Supergirl v1 #10
Legion retrospective: 12/10, Adventure Comics 351
Human Torch: 12/10
Strange Tales 108

LOWEST “Does it stand the test of time” SCORE
This is a special category: negative scores are reserved for stories with horrible messages or damaging characterization.

All time:
-75/10 Metal Men #20 and World’s Finest #174 and World’s Finest #222
Lois Lane: -50/10 three times, Lois Lane #50#91 and #117. Lois holds the record of the highest number of issues with a negative score (it’s not even close).
Doom retrospective: -40/10, F.F. #7-16. -20/10, Super-Villain Team-Up #7. -15/10 for the atrocious meeting with Doom 2099 and -5/10 for Mighty Avengers #11
Legion retrospective: -15/10, Superboy 215
Karate Kid retrospective:
-15/10. While no single issue gets a negative score, the entire series ranks this low.
Villain origins: -10/10,  Wonder Woman #157
Hero origins: -10/10, Adventure Comics #73
Dazzler retrospective: -5/10, Dazzler #17
Jimmy Olsen: -5/10 twice, in Jimmy Olsen #61 and  #79.
Supergirl: -5/10, Action Comics 264. The only Supergirl negative score.
Secret Wars: Secret Wars II #5

LOWEST “Historical significance” SCORE
Way too many 0/10 to count. The negative score is reserved for special occasions, when the story absolutely breaks the established canon or characterization.

Legion: -2/10, Superboy #173 and -1/10, Superboy & the LSH #235
Lois Lane
: -5/10, Lois Lane #28
Supergirl: -5/10, Supergirl v1 #10
-5/10,Superboy #106
World’s Finest:
-5/10 #174
Karate Kid retrospective:
 -5/10. While no single issue gets a negative score, the entire series ranks this low.
Doom retrospective: five negative scores, -15/10 for F.F. #7-16 , -5/10 for Super-Villain Team-Up #7 and the meeting with Doom 2099, plus the -3/10 of Fantastic Four v3 #27 and the -1/10 of Micronauts #41
Dazzler retrospective:  -15/10 Dazzler: The Movie and -5/10, Dazzler #21
Marvel Adventures: -2/10, MA Spider-Man #39